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Did Gandalf fight Sauron?

Did Gandalf fight Sauron?

So in other words, even Gandalf didn’t think he could defeat Sauron. Gandalf did defeat Sauron.

What was Gandalf doing during the First Age?

Gandalf was known as Olorin and lived in Valinor during the first age under the service of Manwë and Nienna and was said to be among the wisest of his Maiar companions which makes sense since he was under the service of two Valar who instructed wisdom. Gandalf was in Valinor, doing whatever it was he did.

Where was Gandalf when Sauron was defeated?

By dying when he did, Gandalf had not completed his task of helping to defeat Sauron. In addition, his comrade Saruman had betrayed his order. And so, he was sent back to Middle-earth as Gandalf the White by Eru, the highest power in the Middle-earth universe.

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Why did Gandalf never use magic?

Gandalf is constrained in using magic, because he has a mortal body and also because he is not allowed to use force on the inhabitants of Middle-Earth.

Did Gandalf fight in the first war against Sauron?

None. He might have been in the host of the Ainur against Morgoth, but Sauron ran for his life the moment the host appeared. The Valar did not get involved since then-the Numenorians were quite able to defeat Sauron twice without their aid.

What if Gandalf had turned the ring against Sauron?

Assuming Gandalf was capable of turning the Ring against Sauron, he would have defeated him just as surely as had the Ring been destroyed. Of course, this would introduce whole new problems, but that’s neither here not there

What happened to Gandalf after he returned to Dol Guldur?

Gandalf escaped Dol Guldur and returned to the White Council. After relating his discoveries, he urged the council to attack Sauron while the One Ring was still lost and while Sauron’s power was not yet beginning to be restored . But Saruman said that it was better to watch and wait; that the One Ring had long ago rolled from Anduin to the Sea.

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Would Gandalf the Grey have been more confident in his powers?

And this is Gandalf the White, who had undergone an “enhancement” of his powers; it seems unlikely that Gandalf the Grey would have been more confident. Additionally, as pointed out in Lord Bubbacub’s answer, Gandalf lacked confidence in his abilities even when he was Olórin:

How did Gandalf help the Hobbits in the Shire?

During his wanderings in Eriador, Gandalf met and befriended the isolated and secretive people of the Hobbits in their country, The Shire. During the Long Winter of TA 2758 Gandalf came to their aid. It was then when he witnessed and admired the pity and courage that the humble Hobbits reserved in their hearts.