
What was wrong with snapes leg?

What was wrong with snapes leg?

In the first movie the the scene of the troll you can see that snape has a bleeding leg, why? Snape was bitten by Fluffy the three headed dog. When Troll was released, he went to make sure that no one was after the stone as everyone was distracted by the troll. you could even watch the MOVIE and learn this.

What did Ron tell Madam Pomfrey had bit him?

In 1992, Ron Weasley was required to go to Madam Pomfrey after visiting Rubeus Hagrid and being bitten by the dragon Norberta. Ron told her that he had been bitten by a dog, but Madam Pomfrey had doubts about his honesty due to the unusual colour of the purple, green, and black wound.

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What injuries did Madam Pomfrey treat Harry for?

Part of her genius is simple speed: she can fix broken bones ‘in a second’. Ginny Weasley broke her ankle it was repaired ‘in a trice’. Harry Potter’s cracked skull was mended ‘at once’. Hermione’s teeth were straightened without recourse to a time-consuming brace.

Why did fluffy bite Snape?

In Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone , book 1 of HP series by J.K. Rowling, Professor Severus Snape got bitten by Fluffy, a three-headed Cerberus dog that was tasked to guard the entrance to the place where the Philosopher’s Stone is being hidden. Snape is checking on Fluffy. That is how he got bitten.”

What was Madam Pomfrey like as a healer?

She was a very competent Healer, having been in the position for, at least, the last quarter of the 20th century . Madam Pomfrey was very possessive of the patients in her care while in the Hospital Wing, and their visitors upset her somewhat, as she frequently insisted they must rest and demanded the visitors leave.

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Where does Madam Pomfrey work at Hogwarts?

Madam Pomfrey is the Hogwarts school nurse, working in the Hospital Wing . Madam Pomfrey is the matron of the hospital wing at Hogwarts, a kindly woman with a tendency to be fussy and protective of her patients. Madam Pomfrey provides Harry with a beakerful of Skele-Gro to regrow the bones that Lockhart accidentally removed from Harry’s arm.

Why did Madam Pomfrey give Harry Potter Skele-Gro?

In 1992, Madam Pomfrey administered Skele-Gro on Harry to regrow the bones in his arm after Gilderoy Lockhart ‘s attempt to fix a Quidditch-caused broken bone failed disastrously.

What does Madam Pomfrey do in the first aid tent?

Madam Pomfrey tends to the champions in the first-aid tent after they complete the first task. She is unimpressed that the champions had to face dragons and is furious that dangerous creatures keep being brought to the school, reminded of the Dementors the previous year.