
How can you tell the quality of a Persian cat?

How can you tell the quality of a Persian cat?

Persian cats tend to have very round faces with full, puffy cheeks. The nose is “snubbed,” and therefore not very prominent. Their eyes are usually large and expressive and may be colored blue, amber, or a mix of the two. Meanwhile, the ears tend to be very small and round-tipped in appearance.

What is an extreme face Persian cat?

There are three faces of a Persian cat. The show quality face has the extreme face with little to no break in the nose. The breeder quality face, also known as a doll face, has a bit more of a nose and still has a rounded head. Their ears are typically a smidgen bigger than that of a show quality face.

Do all Persian cats have flat faces?

Not all Persian cats do have flat faces – the traditional, or doll-faced Persian, actually has a muzzle. In the late-Fifties, some cat fanciers decided a spontaneous mutation was a desirable trait, and began breeding Persians to have shorter and shorter muzzles until they had high noses and flat faces.

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Are there different types of Persian cats?

There are many different types of Persian cats, which breeders classify according to the color and pattern of their coat. The Cat Fanciers’ Association, for instance, classifies Persian cats into: Solid division: White, blue, black, red, cream, chocolate or lilac.

Which Colour Persian cat is best?

Solid Color Division

  • White. The glistening-white Persian has always been one of the most prized.
  • Black. Since the infancy of cat breeding, the black Persian has also been considered highly desirable.
  • Blue.
  • Red.
  • Cream.
  • Silver and Golden Division.
  • Chinchilla Silver.
  • Shaded Silver.

Which color Persian cat is best?

What breed is the grumpy face cat?

Grumpy Cat

Grumpy Cat at VidCon 2014
Other name(s) Tardar Sauce
Species Felis catus
Breed Mixed
Sex Female

What age are Persians fully grown?

They mature late and are only considered fully grown at 2 years of age. Persian cats can be difficult to breed, so you may have to wait some time if you want a kitten in a particular colour.

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Why are Persian cats so fluffy?

Commonly known as ‘furniture with fur’ due to their laziness, these little fluff balls are not as hyperactive as other breeds and are happy being inactive for long periods of time. Their hair grows very long and fine, which requires a lot of maintenance. Grooming is something you have to get used to with these cats.