
How did Quirrell get past Fluffy?

How did Quirrell get past Fluffy?

To get past Fluffy, Quirrell disguised himself and lured Hagrid into a card game by betting a dragon’s egg. During the game, he managed to draw out information about Fluffy by convincing Hagrid that he was a Dragon dealer, and as such, shared Hagrid’s penchant for dangerous pets.

How did Professor Quirrell sleep?

How did Professor Quirrell sleep? Because, of course, he couldn’t sleep on his back, lest one of the most powerful, most evil wizards who ever lived suffocated from having his face forced into a pillow.

Why did Professor Quirrell have a stutter?

In the end we discover that Professor Quirrell faked stuttering as to seem aloof and not draw attention to his plotting with the evil Voldemort. When he faces off with Harry Potter he says: “… The Headmaster Dumbledore, Harry’s mentor, states “Call him Voldemort , Harry.

Is Avada Kedavra a real spell?

Does anyone know where avada kedavra came from? It is an ancient spell in Aramaic, and it is the original of abracadabra, which means ‘let the thing be destroyed.

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Where did Quirrell get dragon egg?

He was at the Hog’s Head or another pub, and gets the egg from a mysterious cloaked man (actually Proffessor Quirrel).

Why did Quirrell smell like garlic?

Quirinus Quirrell’s classroom, as well as his turban, were said to smell strongly of garlic, which many students believed was to protect against a vampire Quirrell claimed to have met on his travels in Romania. Potter that his breath may smell of garlic, only to be told by Lily that it smelt of porridge.

Why was Quirrell in the Leaky Cauldron?

Lord Voldemort started sharing the body of Quirrel after he failed to retrieve the Socerers Stone from Gringotts. He failed and the Dark Lord wasn’t happy about it, so he wanted to keep a closer eye on him. That’s why he was able to shake his hand in the Leaky…the Dark Lord wasn’t apart of him yet.