
Why do I feel like something is watching me when I meditate?

Why do I feel like something is watching me when I meditate?

The mind often resists meditation, as meditation means that you take control back from your mind. So the mind can produce imaginary things or fantasies, it can use your body, you may start feeling some sensations on your skin or feeling hungry and think of food and similar.

Where does your mind go when you meditate?

While research on mindfulness meditation is still in the early stages, some small, initial studies have found that over time mindfulness meditation may lead to increases in gray matter density in the hippocampus and other frontal regions of the brain as well as increases in anterior insula and cortical thickness.

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What does it mean to cry during meditation?

Crying during meditation is often a manifestation of unresolved and suppressed emotions in our subconscious. When your mind is free of thought, you are able to take a good look into yourself. It gives you a chance to examine yourself, your emotions, let them out and gives you a chance to heal.

Why do I See Stars when I meditate?

Getting thoughts during meditation is normal but see that they are not self generated i.e., from your own mind. When you start meditating think that there is a light in your heart which is attracting you. Try to keep to this thought and gently ignore all other thoughts. What you are seeing are not stars but angels.

What does it mean when you see colors when meditating?

Seeing colors during meditation is a normal experience for many people and has a variety of symbolic meanings. These meanings can be for the healing of your body, your spiritual enlightenment, to guide your personal growth, trigger psychological understanding, or represent an ancient wisdom.

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What’s the meaning of visions during meditation?

What’s the meaning of visions during Meditation? Visions during meditation occur when you reach a zone between conscious awareness and sleep. They can be unconscious images, visual thoughts or as you go deeper in meditation, lights and forms of the inner world.

What do you see when you meditate in the heart?

Sometimes during meditation you will see a brilliant dazzling light. You will find it difficult to gaze on this light’ You will be compelled to withdraw your mental vision of this light. This dazzling light is the light emanating from the Sushumna in the heart. You will see two kinds of forms (1) lustrous forms of Devatas, (2) physical fonns.