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Why does Tyrion look upset about Jon and Dany?

Why does Tyrion look upset about Jon and Dany?

Some fans worry Tyrion is in love with Daenerys “We’ll deal with how much Daenerys can trust him,” Dinklage said. Instead, Tyrion’s upset expression seems to be reflecting concern for both Jon and Daenerys — and their armies. “It’s dangerous for everybody involved,” Dinklage said.

Is Tyrion a targaryen?

Tyrion was believed to be the youngest son of Tywin and Joanna, two cousins within House Lannister. During Aerys’ reign, Tywin, the Head of House Lannister, served as the Hand of the King. Despite the evidence, Tyrion was never revealed to be a secret Targaryen, at least in the TV series.

Why does Tyrion disapprove of Jon and Dany?

“He’s wondering how smart of a move [Jon and Dany getting romantically involved is], because passion and politics don’t mix well,” Dinklage told EW. “He knows the two of them getting together could be very dangerous.”

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Why is Tyrion hated?

He hates Tyrion because he is a dwarf and is a joke to the name of House Lannister according to him. Also, it didn’t help that his beloved wife Joanna died giving birth to Tyrion.

Was Tyrion jealous of Jon?

He’s questioning that because he doesn’t have a good track record for falling in love. There’s jealousy wrapped up in there. And he loves Jon Snow, too. O.K. so in Dinklage’s mind, at least, Tyrion is mixing the personal with the political as he gazes down the hallway at Jon and Daenerys.

Is Tyrion Lannister in love with Daenerys?

Tyrion doesn’t allow himself to love Daenerys in the sense of having her. His history with women puts her out of his realm of possible lovers. He does love her though as a hand to a queen. He sees a lot of good potential for her to be the most humane ruler he has known.

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Is aerys Tyrion’s father?

While it’s officially believed that Tywin Lannister and his cousin Joanna were Tyrion’s biological parents, the “Tyrion Targaryen” theory suggests that Tyrion’s real father was the Mad King, Aerys Targaryen II. That’s not all though — the timing for Aerys being Tyrion’s father makes sense.

Why is Tyrion afraid of Daenerys?

Therefore, when Tyrion looks toward Daenerys’ chambers in what looks like ominous disapproval, it is because he’s worried about the changing loyalties of the queen he promised his loyalty to, and because he’s projecting his own bad experiences with love onto Jon and Daenerys.

Who is tysha in Game of Thrones?

Tysha was a crofter’s daughter, orphaned when her father died of an illness. When Tyrion Lannister was thirteen years old, he was traveling with his brother, Ser Jaime, on the road between Lannisport and Casterly Rock, and found Tysha being accosted by some outlaws.