
What does it mean when someone is projecting?

What does it mean when someone is projecting?

Ed, LCSW, projection refers to unconsciously taking unwanted emotions or traits you don’t like about yourself and attributing them to someone else. A common example is a cheating spouse who suspects their partner is being unfaithful.

Why do we have a negative inner voice?

A critical inner voice may develop during times of extreme stress. It’s also sometimes seen in mental health conditions, such as anxiety and depression. In such cases, your mind may engage in negative self-talk by criticizing the way you work, socialize, participate in family circles, and more.

How do you silence a critical inner voice?

To fully rid oneself of the critical inner voice, one must not only identify the negative thoughts but stand up to them. Putting our voices in the second person can help us make this initial separation. Try to write down your critical thoughts, first as “I” statements, then as “you” statements.

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Does self-reflection bring you up or down?

The intent of self-reflection is to assist you in positive change, not to bring you down! Let self-reflection instead lead you to better ways to support yourself, practice self-compassion, and listen to your inner knowing.

What is self-reflection and why is it important?

Self-reflection is an essential skill for personal growth. Without it, we walk around unconscious and often reactive to others and even our own selves.

Why is self-perception so crippling to some people?

Self-perception is crippling for a lot of people because they do not believe anything more about themselves than what others have made them think. They wallow in self doubt because they let others dictate how they see themselves. We, as people, need to find our true identity within ourselves and highlight our characteristics.

Do you need a life coach or a self-reflection coach?

Let self-reflection instead lead you to better ways to support yourself, practice self-compassion, and listen to your inner knowing. Now, if you want to experience the benefits of self-reflection, but need a little assistance, working with a life coach can prove helpful.

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