
What are the conditions necessary for a planet to be considered habitable for life?

What are the conditions necessary for a planet to be considered habitable for life?

For a planet/moon/asteroid to be considered habitable, it must orbit in a zone where liquid water is possible. The planet needs to be far enough away from the star that the surface water does not evaporate and close enough to the star that the surface water does not remain perpetually frozen.

What is one reason the Earth can sustain life while other planets can not?

To enable life, this most special of attributes, planet Earth has a number of ideal features. It is unique among planets in our solar system for having water in its liquid form at the surface, in an amount conducive to life evolving.

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What makes Planet Earth different from the other planets in the solar system?

Explanation: Earth is the only planet not only in the solar system but also among all the others discovered in the universe in which humans can breathe in. Earth is a terrestrial planet and is placed at a perfect distance from the sun called the habitable zone, which is neither too close nor too far away.

What is the reason why every living things on earth has the chance of survival?

All living things need some sort of food, water, the right atmosphere and temperature. Humans for example, need to breathe in oxygen and can survive in temperatures that aren’t extreme hot or cold. Even the strength of gravity determines the form of our bodies such as our bones and muscle strength.

What is a leading hypothesis for the formation of life on Earth?

1. The formation of the earth according to the most widely held hypothesis, The Big Bang Theory, was that 4.6 billion years ago, a cloud of rocks and dust condensed due to gravitational pulls, and bombardments by ice and rocks caused intense heat that vaporized water on earth.

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What is one reason that Earth is the only planet that contains life as we know it?

A: Earth is considered to be in area known as the “Goldilocks Zone” around our Sun. It is just the right distance away from our Sun to allow just the right amount of air, water and heat to support life.

Is there life on other planets in the universe?

Many scientists believe we are not alone in the universe. It’s probable, they say, that life could have arisen on at least some of the billions of planets thought to exist in our galaxy alone — just as it did here on planet Earth. This basic question about our place in the Universe is one that may be answered by scientific investigations.

What can we learn about life on other planets from telescopes?

Today’s telescopes can look at many stars and tell if they have one or more orbiting planets. Even more, they can determine if the planets are the right distance away from the star to have liquid water, the key ingredient to life as we know it.

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What is required for life to exist on Earth?

Energy — either in light or chemical form — is also required for life. Both forms fuel the metabolic reactions that allow life to reproduce. Along with energy, we must make sure that any planet has a protective atmosphere that keeps the radiation from a sun out, while still keeping the planet warm.

Why is it so hard to find Earth-like planets?

Finding smaller planets, the Earth twins, is a tougher challenge because they produce fainter signals. Technology to detect and image these Earth-like planets is being developed now for use with the future space telescopes.