
How many hours is good for a highschool student work?

How many hours is good for a highschool student work?

4 hours per day on any school day. 8 hours on any nonschool day or on any day preceding a nonschool day. 48 hours per week. Work Experience Education (WEE) students and personal attendants may work more than 4 hours on a school day, but never more than 8 hours.

Is 20 hours a week too much for a high school student?

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, close to a quarter of all U.S. high school students participate in the workforce. Legislators are well aware of the hectic pace of adolescence, and most states place limits on the amount of hours teens can work, with 20 hours a week the standard limit.

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Should I work as a high school student?

Pros to Working While in High School Most high school students work low-income jobs that require little to no education. It can teach the value of money. Without a job, teenagers must rely on other people’s money. Having a job gives students their own money and can help them understand the true value of a dollar.

Does working affect high school students?

Working while being a high school student has multiple positive aspects. It teaches responsibility and prepares teenagers for the real world. In that preparation it can also cause a decline in academic productivity and progress. A part-time job as a teen can teach all kinds of valuable lessons.

Does working full time affect grades?

But while working a moderate number of hours has been shown to help students perform better in the classroom, working too much has been shown to have negative effects. The BLS’s research indicates that students who worked more than 20 hours a week had much lower grade point averages — 2.95 on average.

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Is working hard in high school worth it?

Yes, working hard in high school is worth it to get into a good university. I went to an academic high school and worked hard and got into the University of Pennsylvania. It was especially important for me to work hard and build up my GPA, as I never did especially well in the SAT or other standardized tests.

What are the disadvantages of being a working student?

One of the biggest disadvantages of working while studying is the stress and exhaustion you may experience. Keeping a detailed planner and a list of prioritized tasks can help, but that requires self-discipline and exceptional time management skills. You may have trouble getting enough sleep.