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What is the easiest African language to learn?

What is the easiest African language to learn?

Swahili is said to be the easiest African language for an English speaker to learn. It is heavily influenced by Arabic and Indo-European languages such as Portuguese, German, English, and French. It’s one of the few sub-Saharan African languages that have no lexical tone, just as in English.

Is Wolof difficult to learn?

Most Wolof speaking people would agree that Wolof is a very difficult language to teach. It’s complexity and lack of tight conventions are two of many reasons why many Wolofs feel that Wolof is simply unteachable — even to those eager to learn.

Is Wolof a written language?

Different Scripts. Wolof can be written using two different scripts: Arabic-based or Latin-based. The Arabic-based script, Wolofal, is the language’s first script, predating the introduction of the Latin system of writing. However, as the official script of Senegal, the Latin script is widely used in formal contexts.

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How long does it take to learn Wolof?

How long will it take until I can speak Wolof? After just 3 hours of learning you will be able to engage in simple conversations, and after 50 hours of learning time you will have reached fluency in Wolof.

Where can I learn Wolof?


  • Live Lingua – some beginner courses including a little audio.
  • Memrise – there’s a good choice of Wolof courses on Memrise to give you the basics.
  • Senegal Wolof School – a few lessons on YouTube here.
  • Wolof 101 – some starter lessons on MyKajabi.
  • uTalk – uTalk has Wolof! Yay!

What are the best foreign languages to learn in Africa?

We also really liked the look of the Wolof course by the Peace Corps. Swahili, or Kiswahili, is a fantastic language, arguably the continent’s most powerful indigenous language. It’s influence is massive, especially in the east and along its coast.

What are the most spoken native languages in Africa?

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So, first of all, here are the most spoken native languages in Africa. Arabic didn’t originate in Africa, but today it’s the mother tongue of over 140 million Africans. As a result, it’s the most common native language on the continent overall. Most African Arabic speakers live in North Africa, where Arabic is the majority language.

Is Afrikaans the easiest African language to command?

Said to be perhaps the easiest African language to command is, Afrikaans originates from European settlers in south Africa. However we would ask, easiest for who? For Europeans it might be easy, but for a Chinese or Thai person, is it going to be just as easy?

What are the official languages of South Africa?

Official Languages: Afrikaans, English, Zulu, Xhosa, Ndebele, Venda, Swati, Sotho, Northern Sotho, Tsonga, and Tswana. Many South Africans are bilingual and can speak at least two of the country’s 11 official languages. Zulu and Xhosa are the most common mother tongues, although English is understood by the most people.