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How do diesel submarines get rid of exhaust?

How do diesel submarines get rid of exhaust?

while at the larger depth, it uses the battery mode to power the submarine and its propeller. Most diesel submarines and modern nuclear submarines with auxiliary diesel engines use a snorkel to take in air for the engine and get rid of the diesel exhaust.

Where does the exhaust from a diesel submarine go?

In submarine installations, the gases of combustion are piped from the exhaust headers to the outside of the submarine through an in board and outboard main engine exhaust valve and muffler. The inboard exhaust valve is inside the pressure hull of the submarine and is hand operated.

Where does the exhaust fumes of a submarine go?

Diesel powered submarines run on batteries while submerged. When on the surface, engine exhausts to the atmosphere (sometimes mixed with seawater for cooling). Some sophisticated machines can actually store exhaust gas if the engine must be operated for a time while submerged.

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How does a diesel engine work underwater?

The sub must surface (or cruise just below the surface using a snorkel) to run the diesel engines. Once the batteries are fully charged, the sub can head underwater. The batteries power electric motors that drive the propellers. Battery operation is the only way a diesel sub can actually submerge.

How long can a diesel sub stay underwater?

Legacy, diesel-electric submarines can operate silently underwater for up to 48 hours, but they must surface after that to run a generator to recharge their batteries.

How long can a diesel powered submarine stay submerged?

48 hours
Legacy, diesel-electric submarines can operate silently underwater for up to 48 hours, but they must surface after that to run a generator to recharge their batteries.

How does submarine get oxygen?

Oxygen in submarines is produced by putting sea water through a process of electrolysis. Submarines typically have a couple of big oxygen tanks as well, used to quickly raise oxygen concentration if the system fails. Waste CO2 is released into the sea whenever it’s possible.

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How long can a diesel electric sub stay underwater?

How do submarines get air underwater?

Oxygen onboard a submarine is released either through compressed tanks, an oxygen generator, or by some form of an ‘oxygen canister’ that works by electrolysis. Oxygen is either periodically released throughout the day at specific time intervals or whenever the computerized system detects a reduction in oxygen levels.