
When the name of function is same in the base class and derived class the function is called overloaded?

When the name of function is same in the base class and derived class the function is called overloaded?

Having a derived class function with the same name as a function in the corresponding base class is called function overloading. When deriving from a private base class, the public, protected and private members of the base class become private members of the derived class.

When function has same prototype in base class as well as in derived class is known as?

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Que. When function have same prototype in base class as well as in derived class function is called
b. Overriding function
c. Chained function
d. All of them
Answer:Overriding function
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When we use the same function name in both the base and derived classes the function in base class is declared as?

When the same function name is used in both base and derived classes, then the function in base class is declared as virtual using the keyword virtual before the declaration of the function.

When a derived class has two or more base classes the situation is called?

When a class serves as base class for many derived classes, the situation is called: polymorphism.

What happens if the base and derived class?

What happens if the base and derived class contains definition of a function with same prototype? Compiler reports an error on compilation. Only base class function will get called irrespective of object. Base class object will call base class function and derived class object will call derived class function.

What happens if the base and derived class contains definition of a function with same prototype Mcq?

What happens if the base and derived class contains definition of a function with same prototype? Compiler reports an error on compilation. Only base class function will get called irrespective of object. Only derived class function will get called irrespective of object.

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When two or more classes serve as base class for a derived class the situation is known as?

When a class serves as base class for many derived classes, the situation is called: polymorphism.

What do you mean by base class and derived class?

A base class is an existing class from which the other classes are derived and inherit the methods and properties. A derived class is a class that is constructed from a base class or an existing class. The base class is also called superclass or parent class. The derived class is also called a subclass or child class.

How to call a function of a derived class from base class?

If u wanna call function of base class u have to write super.obj to call the function of super/base class. When a derived class has a method with same name and signature as base class, it is called method overriding. If the derived class object invoke the method, the method in derived class will be called.

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How does a derived class get all the member variables?

A derived class automatically gets all the member variables from the base class. If you use the keyword virtual in a function declaration, you must also use it in the function definition. the derived print function.

How to define virtual functions in a derived class?

All member functions in a base class should be listed as virtual functions. An object of a derived class can be stored in a base class variable. A derived class automatically gets all the member variables from the base class. If you use the keyword virtual in a function declaration, you must also use it in the function definition.

What is a derived class in Java?

A derived class is a class derived from another existing class i.e base class. A derived class acquired the properties of base class. While inheriting from base class, the derived class implicitly inherits all the members (except constructors and destructors) which it reuses, extends and modifies the behavior of the base class.