Which language is better German or French?

Which language is better German or French?

If you are mesmerized by the French culture, then you should choose the French language. You would be better able to appreciate the art, architecture, cinema, and food. But if you are a fan of engineering, analytical thinking, and scientific theories then you should choose German.

Do you need to know another language to study linguistics?

While learning additional languages can be helpful for a linguist, most linguists don’t take all the languages they study to the point of fluency. Instead, they learn about the specific aspects they’re interested in working with, and don’t pay much attention to the others.

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Is German or French more useful for business?

Top 10 Languages Needed For Economic Purposes (British Council)

Rank Language ‘Score’
1 French 22
2 German 21
3 Chinese 20
4 Arabic 19

Which is easier to learn German or French?

For an English speaker, French is easier to learn than the German language due to the fact that English has a similarity to the French language and this is predominantly because of the complexity of German grammar. The French language is not solely easier to study compared to German, but much better useful.

Which language is more in demand French or German?

After French, German is the second most popular foreign language among Indians. It is spoken by over 100 million native speakers and a total of 185 million speakers worldwide.

Is German more difficult than French?

To compare each language, French and German in isolation of each other in terms of difficulty, some of the most experienced linguists would attest that German is more difficult due to the German accent and pronunciation as well as complex German grammar rules.

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Why is the German language easy to learn?

The words are almost the same. This is because German has based its language from Latin, which was also the origin of English. Thus, German is nothing but a cousin of English, which makes this language easy. However, the difficultly in this language lies inside the conjuring up of sentences.

What do you want to know about learning a foreign language?

1. Most Spoken and List of Places You’d Like to Visit or Study or Work. 2. Career objectivity and Job Opportunities 3. Difficulty level (French, Spanish, German) – Easiest to Learn 4. The economic and political relevance of the language in a global context 5. Which one do you prefer, or your interest lies? French or Spanish or German?

Should I learn French or German as a first language?

Both the languages are tough in their own respective centres. French is tough for different words from English, but German is difficult in conjugation of sentences. My advice would be to go with German for now and keep French aside, but that again depends upon your urgency and requirement level of the two languages.

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What is the relationship between English and Germanic languages?

English is a Germanic language, and shows its relationship to German in many basic words, such as licht ‘light,’ Sonne ‘sun,’ Mond ‘moon,’ Stern ‘star,’ Hand, Finger, Fuss ‘foot,’ Haar ‘hair.’ However, English actually has much vocabulary in common with French,…