What do science religion and art have in common?

What do science religion and art have in common?

Science, is a search for truth. Scientific theories are an expression of what is thought to be real and true. Presently Science, Religion and Art all have starkly different views of what reality and truth are. However all three share a common goal of expressing a world view of reality and truth.

How does science differ from art and religion?

The three systems of art, science, and religion are unique to humanity and endemic to all human civilizations. The arts are concerned with effective and esthetic expression. Science is concerned with knowledge, truth, and reasoning. Religion is concerned with ethics and with individual and collective well-being.

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Is religion an art or science?

Religion is an artistic creation, but one that has had such an impact on human existence, it has had to be refined through philosophy, ethics and sense to maintain its continuity. Its scriptures are morality plays.

Should science be considered a religion?

Science is the truth, whereas religion is a culture and culture is made up of situations that we called religion. Science is the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.

What is the connection between science and religion?

A degree of concord between science and religion can be seen in religious belief and empirical science. The belief that God created the world and therefore humans, can lead to the view that he arranged for humans to know the world.

Can science be compared with religion?

Some people say that science and religion can never be compared. Religion would boast to “know everything” even if it is wrong and would undermine the understanding of science, while science will strike down religious scriptures with a theory that will be refuted by science itself a decade later.

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Does science agree with religion?

It is possible, that depending on the interpretations, science and religion could agree with each other. For example, if we don’t take the Bible literally then it is plausible that the creation stories did not happen in six consecutive days but rather was six days over a larger period of time (the Gap Theory).