
Can you have fun as a PhD student?

Can you have fun as a PhD student?

If they want to, PhD students absolutely can and do have a social life! Just like how university graduates who go on to have “normal” jobs still go out and have fun, so can PhD students.

Do you have free time during a PhD?

Most of the successful students I’ve witnessed treat a PhD just like a job. They work consistent 8 hours days, take some time off to workout, relax. They work on some weekends and relax on others. They have as much free time as any productive/ambitious individual in industry could have.

Do PhD students play games?

Yes, of course. Many PhD students in our lab are gamers, and I (and some other faculty) sometimes discuss videogames together with them. A PhD is a demanding endeavor, but it doesn’t mean you stop having any leisure. In fact, you should better have some.

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Do PhD students have a life?

Life as a PhD student is not the same as life as an undergrad. You’re there for the academic experience, not for anything else. Don’t expect to be able to join clubs and have time to socialize or go to football games. You may even find yourself feeling jealous of undergrads.

Is doing a PhD stressful?

Stress. With looming deadlines, large scale projects, and a huge amount of personal investment, a PhD can be extremely stressful. It has been found that PhD students have high levels of mental disorders – likely related to high levels of stress they have to endure.

Can you have fun in grad school?

Can one have fun in grad school? Yes but may not be exactly the type of fun you would have in undergrad years. May not be in the same kind of environment or atmosphere. You revolve around people that are more or less on the same level as you are intellectually.

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Do professors play video games?

yes. But it would only make sense that university professors would enjoy video games. They are in fact just a slightly biased sample of the US population so it would make sense that a similar percentage of college professors would enjoy video games as ordinary Citizens.

What are the benefits of working in a PhD?

One of the benefits of working in the context of a PhD is that your hours tend to be very flexible; use this to your advantage, as the chances of having such an opportunity in a permanent job are unlikely. Also, people use laboratory equipment less at odd hours, so you can often get work done in half the time as is typical.

Is a part-time PhD right for You?

Part-time PhDs are the best option if you want to have a stable job. A part-time PhD would mean that it will take twice as long to complete the programme, but it will also give you a few advantages: after graduation, you will not only have a PhD diploma, but you would have also added a few years of work experience to your resume.

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Do you need advice when applying for a PhD program?

If you are planning to apply for a PhD program, you’re probably getting advice from dozens of students, professors, administrators your parents and the Internet. Sometimes it’s hard to know which advice to focus on and what will make the biggest difference in the long-run.

What do you do when your PhD students have kids?

Roll on the floor with your kids, tickle their little toes, sing them to sleep, embrace the freedom of not being a PhD student just for a few hours. They’re only little once. When you return to your PhD, sit your butt down and get the work done.