Useful tips

How do I prepare for Oxford university?

How do I prepare for Oxford university?

While every individual application should be treated on its own merits, there are a few boxes you should tick to keep your Oxbridge hopes alive…

  1. Get good grades.
  2. Show wider reading.
  3. Prepare for your interview properly.
  4. Show genuine enthusiasm for your subject.
  5. Stay ahead in all tests.

How can I increase my chances of getting into Oxford?

6 top tips for winning a place at Oxford or Cambridge:

  1. Act quickly. Unlike all other universities, the deadline for Oxbridge applications is October, almost a year before the course starts.
  2. Do your research.
  3. Create a perfect personal statement.
  4. Prepare for the admissions tests.
  5. Be interview ready.
  6. Be flexible.

What results do you need to get into Oxford?

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Open University To apply to Oxford, students would need to have completed, or be studying for, at least 120 points at stage 1 or above, in appropriate subjects. We would expect students to be performing at the highest level, with at least pass grade 2.

Can you reapply to Oxford after being rejected?

You are welcome to reapply for entry in the following academic year. Your reapplication will be treated entirely on its own merits without consideration of your previous unsuccessful application.

Can you apply for Oxford twice?

Before you start: You can only apply to one course at Oxford, and you can’t apply to Oxford and Cambridge in the same year. See information on all our courses. Check the admission requirements for your course. Specific grades and subjects required are also shown on each course page.

What should I consider when applying to Oxford or Cambridge?

Probably the most important thing to consider is the effect another application to Oxford or Cambridge will have on you. As you know from last year, it can be very hard work and will demand quite a lot of personal investment.

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Should I reapply to Oxford or Cambridge with a gap year?

If you do want to reapply to Oxford or Cambridge, it is really important to consider what you are going to do on your gap year and what Oxford and Cambridge’s attitude to gap years for your chosen subject is. Colleges tend not to like mathematicians taking a year out as they are worried that applicants might lose their focus.

Is it possible to get feedback from Oxford or Cambridge interviewers?

It can be difficult to get detailed feedback from Oxford and Cambridge, largely because they have so many applicants each year, but if you felt you got on particularly well with one of your interviewers, you could try to get in touch with them directly to ask their advice.

Why is it so hard to get into Oxbridge?

Not getting the place you wanted at Oxbridge is really difficult. Competition is incredibly tough and gets tougher every year. And there’s a simple fact, that with the number of places available at the two universities remaining static, there simply are not enough places for all applicants who potentially deserve them.