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Where do nuns and monks live?

Where do nuns and monks live?

A monastery is a building or complex of buildings comprising the domestic quarters and workplaces of monastics, monks or nuns, whether living in communities or alone (hermits).

Who do nuns live with?

Most nuns’ lives center on the monastery – one of several names for Christian religious communities – and their relationship with God. Some nuns, however, do charitable work such as teaching or nursing outside the convent.

Are monks and nuns the same?

A monk may be a person who decides to dedicate his life to serving all other living beings, or to be an ascetic who voluntarily chooses to leave mainstream society and live his or her life in prayer and contemplation. The word nun is typically used for female monastics.

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Can you only be a nun if you’re a virgin?

In a statement, the group said: “The entire tradition of the Church has firmly upheld that a woman must have received the gift of virginity – both physical and spiritual – in order to receive the consecration of virgins.”

How can you recognize a monk or a nun?

You can identify the order of the monk, nun, sister, or friar by their habit (religious garb). Franciscans typically wear brown, the Dominicans wear white, the Benedictines wear black, and the Missionaries of Charity wear white with blue stripes.

What do nuns do on their period?

“During their period, they hide for four to five days because they do not have access to basic sanitary pads. Commercial sanitary pads are not easily available in remote nunneries. Even if it is, not all nuns can afford it. Thus, reusable pads are being promoted as an alternative to commercial pads.

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What are monks and nuns in the Bible?

Monks and Nuns. These people were called monks and nuns. Monks were men and nuns were women who cut ties with regular life and dedicated themselves to religion. Monks and nuns did not live in the town or city with the other villagers, instead they lived in their own self-sufficient communities in order to focus all of their attention on their…

What is the difference between monastery and Abbey?

Monasteries are places where monks live. Although the word “monastery” is sometimes used for a place where nuns live, nuns usually live in a convent or nunnery. The word abbey (from the Syriac word abba: father) is also used for a Christian monastery or convent.

What was life like for monks and nuns in medieval times?

Monks and Nuns. Monks and nuns were not allowed to get married or own property, their lives were fully enthralled in religion and worshiping the Christian God. Monks had to take three vows in order to become monks. Their first vow was a vow of poverty-this rule stated that monks could not own worldly, physical goods.

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What rules did monks have to follow in the Catholic Church?

These set times were put into place by St. Benedict. Benedict also had set rules that monks had to follow. Monks and nuns were not allowed to get married or own property, their lives were fully enthralled in religion and worshiping the Christian God. Monks had to take three vows in order to become monks.