Useful tips

What are the two types of fighting positions?

What are the two types of fighting positions?

Fighting Position. (1) Primary Fighting Position: the best available position from which the assigned sector of fire can be covered. (2) Alternate Fighting Position: primarily used by crew-served weapons if the primary position becomes untenable or unsuited for carrying out that mission.

What type of fighting position should you construct if you are limited on time and equipment?

hasty fighting position
When time and materials are limited, troops in contact with the enemy use a hasty fighting position located behind whatever cover is available. It should provide frontal protection from direct fire while allowing fire to the front and oblique.

How do you make a hole in a fight?

1: Choose a flat, level area that’s semi-elevated. 2: Mark out a rectangular area approximately 2.5′ by 6′. 3: Dig until the hole is about chest deep, placing the excess dirt in an even berm around the lip of the hole. 4: Add a trench in the center of your hole, perpendicular to the long side, about 6″ wide by 1′ deep.

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What are the five different types of battle positions bps )?

There are five kinds of battle positions—primary, alternate, supplementary, subsequent, and strong point.

What is an FPL army?

FINAL PROTECTIVE LINE An FPL is a predetermined line along which grazing fire is placed to stop an enemy assault.

What fighting position is used for crew served weapons?

Alternate Fighting Position
o Alternate Fighting Position: Are primarily used by crew-served weapons if the primary position becomes untenable or unsuited for carrying out that mission.

What is a hasty fighting position?

HASTY FIGHTING POSITION It should be behind whatever cover is available. It should give frontal cover from enemy direct fire but allow firing to the front and the oblique. The term hasty does not mean that there is no digging. If there is a natural hole or ditch available, use it.

What is the correct fighting stance?

Both feet should be angled slightly to the side and the knees should be facing in the same direction of the feet. Having the feet and knees aligned will minimize any leakage of force and provide a more stable base for the athlete. The rear heel should be raised with the weight placed on the ball of the foot.

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What are the six components of a defensive scheme of maneuver?

There are six essential elements of the defensive scheme of maneuver which include: Type of defense, distribution of forces, orientation of the defense, occupation plan, tactical control measures, and the security plan.

What is the purpose of defensive operations?

Defensive operations defeat an enemy attack, buy time, economize forces, or develop conditions favorable for offensive operations. Alone, defensive operations normally cannot achieve a decision. Their purpose is to create conditions for a counteroffensive that allows Army forces to regain the initiative.

Why is overhead cover so important in combat?

Almost twice as many soldiers are killed or wounded by small caliber fire when their positions do not have frontal cover. Overhead cover provides protection from indirect fire fragmentation. When possible, overhead cover is always constructed to enhance protection against airburst artillery shells.

What is the best way to build a fighting position?

Your fighting position should be built so that, when you come under direct fire from your front, you can move behind the frontal cover for protection and yet fire to the oblique. For all-round protection, to include protection from a nuclear attack, your position should also have overhead, flank, and rear cover.

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What are the characteristics of a one-man fighting position?

Constructed a one-man fighting position with the following characteristics: � Wide enough for you and your equipment. � Armpit deep with frontal and overhead cover at least 18 inches deep. � Had grenade sumps and a floor sloped toward the sumps. � Allowed you to place fire on your assigned sector. fighting position.

What is cover and concealment in the military?

When defending, or when temporarily halted while making an attack, you must seek cover from fire and concealment from observation. Cover and concealment are best provided by some type of fighting position. This may be an existing hole, a hastily dug prone shelter, or a well-prepared position with overhead cover.