Useful tips

Can you join ROTC your senior year?

Can you join ROTC your senior year?

So yes, you can start as an MSIII BUT: You must have basic course credit. You can get this by completing MSI & II classes, having attended Basic Combat Training, or attending ROTC basic camp.

What happens if you get pregnant while in ROTC?

Pregnant students are not ineligible to compete for scholarship. However, they are ineligible to enroll in ROTC if pregnant. Therefore, students must be medically qualified at the time of enrollment. Cadets who become pregnant after enrollment will not be involuntarily disenrolled solely because of pregnancy.

Does ROTC do stuff on weekends?

SMP Cadets not only conduct ROTC training activities, but also participate in one weekend a month and two weeks annual drill with their Reserve or National Guard unit.

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Can I lose my ROTC scholarship?

ROTC scholarships cover the up to the full cost of tuition, fees, and textbooks for four years. Also, if you don’t keep up the minimum standards (academic or military), you could lose your scholarship and may be required to serve on active duty or repay some of the scholarship funds.

Can you get married while in ROTC?

ALOHA LAMPS. No, you can get married in NROTC whenever you want.

Can you do ROTC with a child?

Yes ROTC Cadets and Midshipmen may be married and/or have children.

Do ROTC have to go to basic training?

You will not be sent to boot camp. However, the primary purpose of the Army ROTC program is to produce its Officers, so you must agree to serve as Officers in the Army after graduation in order to go through the entire program, or if you have received an ROTC scholarship.

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Can you go from ROTC to the Army after graduating?

Students can do a two-year trial period with Army ROTC before making any commitments to the Army. However, when a student accepts a scholarship, he or she signs a contract with ROTC promising to hit certain academic benchmarks and to serve in the armed forces after graduation. This is called “contracting,” Wright says.

How long do Army ROTC scholarships last?

About half of those are three-year scholarships, and the other half are four-year scholarships, says Tony Wolf, recruiting operations officer for the University of Iowa Army ROTC program. The application process is already open for those who just completed their junior year of high school.

What is Army ROTC?

Army ROTC is a program offered at hundreds of colleges and universities nationwide, training college students to be officers in the active Army, Army Reserve, and Army National Guard. It’s a four-year program, divided into two parts: a Basic Course and an Advanced Course.

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How do you find an ROTC-affiliated school?

ROTC-affiliated schools can be found through a search on each military branch’s website. With the exception of the Coast Guard and Marines Corps, all U.S. military branches have ROTC and Junior Reserve Officers’ Training Corps programs serving thousands of students across the country.