
How do I get into Oxford University for PPE?

How do I get into Oxford University for PPE?

What are the PPE Entry Requirements? Applicants do not need to have studied Philosophy, Politics or Economics at school, but, like many courses at Oxford and Cambridge, admissions tutors are looking for candidates to demonstrate: A genuine interest in the course and a capacity for independent study.

How many people apply PPE to Oxford?

Philosophy, Politics and Economics

UCAS code L0V0 3 years (BA)
Entrance requirements AAA Maths History
Admissions test(s) ox.ac.uk/tsa None
Admissions statistics* Interviewed: 32\% Successful: 11\% Intake: 246 *3-year average 2018-20 +44 (0) 1865 288564 Email PPE Admissions

Which Oxford college is best for PPE?

Balliol was the birthplace of the degree of PPE in the 1920s, and the College has long remained a major centre for the study of PPE. Nowadays, Balliol PPE is distinctive in three related ways.

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How do you become a PPE course?

Graduate entry requirements for applicants from India To be considered for admission to a taught master’s programme (first-class equivalent), we would normally require a bachelor’s degree awarded after a minimum of three years of study with a Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 3.5/4, 5.5/7, 6.5/8, 7.5/9 or 8/10.

What do Oxford look for in a personal statement?

We typically suggest that you focus around 80\% of your personal statement on your academic interests, abilities and achievements. This can include discussion of any relevant extra-curricular activities. The remaining 20\% can then cover any unrelated extra-curricular activities.

What makes a good Oxford personal statement?

In order to write the best personal statement, it’s wise to read widely, visit places of interest, attend conferences/lectures and get work experience. This will deepen and expand both your knowledge and understanding of your subject and make your personal statement sound more authentic.

How do I prepare for Oxford PPE interview?


  1. A good reading list is important. Some suggestions here: PPE reading list.
  2. But, also do follow your own interests. A good economics book to read is one that you find interesting.
  3. Personal statement – mainly about your academic studies. Need to show why you would be a good interesting candidate.
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WHAT A-levels do you need for PPE in Oxford?

One venerable PPE tutor (recently retired) said the best 4 A-levels for PPE were Maths, Further Maths, Latin, and Classical Greek.

  • I strongly suggest doing Maths, and you may want to do Further Maths.
  • Something involving a lot of rigorous reading and writing would be good.
  • How do I prepare for a PPE Test at Oxford?

    Oxford and Cambridge often have a test, and only if you pass it, you will be called for an interview. The test for PPE at Oxford is the Thinking Skills Assessment (TSA) test, Please look up the test here Applying for PPE. There are suggested reading books and other ways to prepare yourself.

    How can I pass the TSA Test and get into Oxford University?

    In order to pass the TSA test, and to get into oxford, you will need to have a good grasp of each component of PPE, namely Philosophy, Politics and Economics. Start reading widely and be current with the goings on with the world.

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    What is the PPE course?

    The PPE course balances breadth and depth, and it is consciously kept at the cutting-edge of research. It encompasses specialist and technical training in economics, philosophy, and politics, together with in-depth study of an increasingly diverse range of social and political ideas and history.

    How do I prepare for a PPE interview?

    Improve your English, interpersonal skills and develop self-confidence. High self awareness and confidence and solid reasons for studying PPE, with reasonably well defined future plans for PPE, will help you at the interview. Also look at colleges where you would like to study PPE.