
Can a rocky planet turn into a star?

Can a rocky planet turn into a star?

Stars with 8-11 stellar masses can fuse silicon. So a rocky planet would need millions of times the mass of the Earth before it would have that kind of pressure and temperature. So you could get a situation where you have more mass than the Sun in a rock flavored world, and it wouldn’t ignite as a star.

How big could a rocky planet get?

Rocky planets can become extremely large. Just consider Chthonian planets, former gas giants whose atmospheres were blown off and whose cores are left barren. COROT-7b is one such planet — it’s definitely above five Earth masses, possibly as much as ten Earth masses.

Can a planet get too big?

A planet can be no bigger than about 10 times the mass of Jupiter, an astrophysicist has concluded. Of course, that’s pretty darned massive. In his paper, published online by the Astrophysical Journal, Schlaufman set the upper boundary of planet mass between four and 10 times Jupiter’s mass.

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Can a planet grow bigger?

The Sun is ten times the diameter of Jupiter, and it turns out you can’t get planets much bigger than Jupiter. If you add mass to them, they get smaller, not bigger. So clearly you can’t get a planet bigger than the Sun.

How dense can a rocky planet be?

5.5 g/cm3
In general, terrestrial (rocky) planets are denser than the gas and ice giants. Earth has a density of around 5.5 g/cm3 compared with Jupiter’s density of 1.3 g/cm3.

What is the largest possible rocky planet?

The largest known rocky planet is thought to be Gliese 436 c. This is probably a rocky world with about 5 Earth masses and 1.5 times our planet’s radius. Amazingly, this planet is thought to be within its star’s habitable zone.

Are artificial planets possible?

An artificial planet could potentially be created by an advanced civilization. Even if our current technology is unable to create such a thing, we can foresee the benefits of it.

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Can we live on the moon?

In order to live on the Moon, we’ll need a reliable and renewable energy supply. Although NASA is developing power generation systems that could support longer stays on the lunar surface, additional energy infrastructure will be needed to make human settlement on the Moon a reality.

What is the transition from rocky planets to gas giants like?

The problem is the transition from “rocky” to “gas giant” is not well defined. From this article: “The largest “terrestrial” planet is generally considered the one before you get too thick of an atmosphere, which happens at about 5-10 Earth masses (something like 2 Earth radii).

Do gas giants have dense cores?

Gas giants in the Solar System are thought to have dense cores, although nothing comes close to TOI-849b. Based on current planet formation theories, worlds grow from small seeds of rock and ice planted from a swirling gas and dust surrounding newborn stars.

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What happens to a star with more than 4 solar masses?

According to wikipedia, if a star has an iron core of more than 1.4 solar masses, that core will collapse into neutron-degenerate matter, aka a neutron star. With more than 4 solar masses, it will form a black hole.

What is the maximum possible size for a rocky planet?

It can be reasonably estimated that the maximum size for a rocky planet is three or four times earth size. $\\begingroup$ The best way to calculate this is to find what size planet at that orbit will hold Hydrogen and Helium and Methane. If it does, it will be a gas giant, otherwise rocky.