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What is the best way to organize Pokemon cards?

What is the best way to organize Pokemon cards?

The best way to organize Pokémon cards in binders for players is by rarity. Placing the rarest Pokémon cards at the front of the binder and the rest in descending order towards the back. However, organizing Pokémon cards by set number may be more advantageous for Pokémon card collectors.

How do I sell my group Pokemon cards?

How To Effectively Sell Your Pokemon Cards And Potentially Make A Fortune

  1. Sort By Set.
  2. Sort By Stars, Diamonds, And Circles.
  3. Put The Valuable Cards Into Protective Sleeves—Immediately!
  4. Consider The Pros And Cons Of Grading Your Cards.
  5. Do Your Research On Pricing—Do Not Solely Trust eBay.
  6. Be VERY Descriptive In Your Listing.
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How do you tell the rarity of Pokemon cards?

This is represented by a symbol located in the bottom right corner of every card. There should be a shape that indicates what rarity the card is. Common cards are marked with a black circle, uncommon cards have a black diamond, and rare cards always have a black star. This is the basic way to tell the rarity of a card.

How do you sort Pokémon by age?

Finding Pokémon with a Specific Status Age (in Days): Search “age” plus a number to see how many days ago you caught a particular Pokémon. For example, “age0” will show Pokémon you caught within the last 24 hours and “age1” will show Pokémon you caught 24 to 48 hours ago.

How do you sort Pokemon by most recent caught?

Recent – Pokemon are sorted by when they were caught (or hatched) with the most recent on top. Favorite – Favorited Pokemon appear before those that are not favorited. HP – Percentage of HP remaining with Pokemon with the most HP on top.

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How do you sort Pokemon in order of favor?

Favorite – Favorited Pokemon appear before those that are not favorited. HP – Percentage of HP remaining with Pokemon with the most HP on top. Name – Alphabetical Order. Combat Power – CP order with the highest CP on top. From top to bottom, sorting by name goes:

How does the Order of Pokemon in a group work?

If Pokemon have the same CP, the order within a CP group is the last applied sorting method applied during that viewing of the Pokemon storage. So if you sorted by HP and then CP, all of your full health CP10 Pokemon will go before your damaged CP10 Pokemon.