
How long can you be committed against your will?

How long can you be committed against your will?

A person on a 5150 can be held in the psychiatric hospital against their will for up to 72 hours. This does not mean that they will necessarily be held the entire 72 hours; it means that psychiatric hospitals have the legal right to do so if determined to be necessary.

How long can a mental hospital keep you UK?

Section 5(4) gives nurses the ability to detain someone in hospital for up to 6 hours. Section 5(2) gives doctors the ability to detain someone in hospital for up to 72 hours, during which time you should receive an assessment that decides if further detention under the Mental Health Act is necessary.

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How long can you be held under the Mental Health Act?

28 days
Up to 28 days. The section can’t normally be extended or renewed. But you may be assessed before the end of the 28 days to see if sectioning under section 3 is needed.

How long can the hospital hold you?

72 hours
When a person is detained for up to 72 hours, the emergency facility or hospital is required to do an evaluation of that person, taking into account his/her medical, psychological, educational, social, financial and legal situation.

How long can a hospital hold you for observation?

How long can the hospital keep me for observation? Medicare expects patients to remain in observation status for no more than 24 to 48 hours. But there are no rules limiting the time; some patients spend several days in observation.

What is Section 38 of the Mental Health Act?

Why am I on a Section 38? A Court has convicted you but not yet decided on your sentence. The reason you have not yet been sentenced is that two doctors advised the court that you have a mental health problem and you may need treatment in hospital.

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What is Section 117 Mental Health Act?

Section 117 of the Mental Health Act says that aftercare services are services which are intended to: meet a need that arises from or relates to your mental health problem, and. reduce the risk of your mental condition getting worse, and you having to go back to hospital.

What is a Section 12 mental health?

Section 12 is a transportation order to a hospital. Once the patient arrives at the hospital he/she must be evaluated by a physician (psychiatrist) to determine if he/she needs to be involuntarily committed for no more than 72 hours.