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Why is there so much fuss about Brexit?

Why is there so much fuss about Brexit?

Answer Wiki. The big fuss about Brexit is that the electorate were promised a land of milk and honey. They would have free trade with the EU, but would stop all those foreigners from coming over here to steal all our jobs and to live of unemployment benefit (nobody said the xenophobes had to make sense).

What is the emotional case for Brexit?

The intellectual case for Brexit is mostly focused on economics, but the emotional case for Brexit is heavily influenced by immigration. EU law guarantees that citizens of one EU country have the right to travel, live, and take jobs in other EU countries.

What are the arguments for and against Brexit?

One of the major arguments for Brexit is the supposed economic inefficiency of the European Union. In their Forbes article, financial writer John Mauldin and intelligence and international geopolitics expert George Friedman mentioned that those who supported Brexit believed that the EU is a dysfunctional economic entity.

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What is the British exit or Brexit?

Since then, the term “British exit” or Brexit has been widely used to reference the impending withdrawal of the U.K. from the EU. But what exactly are the reasons for Brexit? Why did a considerable number of people in the U.K. want to leave the European Union?

What will happen to the EU after Brexit?

Although Britain will cease to be a member of the EU after 11 p.m. on Jan. 31, a transition period is in place until the end of the year. During this period the U.K. will remain in the economic single market and customs union while it negotiates its future relationship with the trading bloc.

What are the 1111 Brexit promises?

11 Brexit promises the government quietly dropped. Leaving aside the £350m for the NHS, Brexit has promised quick and easy trade deals with the EU and the rest of the world, an end to ECJ jurisdiction and free movement, and British control of North Sea fishing.

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What happens if the UK leaves the EU without a deal?

If the UK leaves without a deal, British citizens who travel to the EU for up to 90 days will not have to apply for a visa – as long as the UK grants reciprocal visa-free travel for all EU citizens in return.