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What is the connection between the jinns and the humans?

What is the connection between the jinns and the humans?

The world of the humans is visible to the Jinns, while the world of Jinns is a matter of the unseen for humans. The connection between the two worlds exists – in its worst form – in the form of subjection, sorcery, jugglery and mutual exploitation.

Are jinn in the Qur’an?

While jinn are mentioned in the Qur’an and are thus part of Islam, these spirits are not worshipped in the faith. Thought to transcend the boundaries of the physical world, they are said to be made of “smokeless fire.” Pre-Islamic Arabs believed that jinn could control the elements, and turn plots of land fertile.

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Are the jinn two dimensional?

“As spiritual entities, the jinn are considered dual dimensional,” wrote Amira El-Zein, author of Islam, Arabs, and the Intelligent World of the Jinn, “with the ability to live and operate in both manifest and invisible domains.” To her point, jinn are thought to be amorphous, and capable of shape-shifting into human or animal form.

Does Jesus have a companion from among the jinn?

According to another report, “… There is assigned to him a companion from among the jinn and a companion from among the angels.”

Can jinns appear in different forms?

Thus, they can appear as humans, animals trees and anything else. Thousands of people have sighted strange looking creatures all over the world – and it seems more plausible all the sightings of such creatures may have been Jinns parading in different forms.

What is the status of the jinn in the Quran?

The Quran reduced the status of jinn from that of tutelary deities to that of minor spirits, usually paralleling humans. In this regard, the jinn appear often paired with humans.

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Do jinn punish people more than they deserve?

There are ignorant and wrongdoing ones among the jinn who may punish a person more than he deserves, or they may be playing with him and mistreating him, like foolish people among mankind. Umm Salamah reported that the Prophet saw in her house a young girl whose face had a discolored spot.