
Is Gul Dukat good or bad?

Is Gul Dukat good or bad?

Yes. He believes The Occupation was a good thing — not just for Cardassia but for Bajor. He believes the slaughter, the deaths, the punishment, the mines, the torture, the murders and so on, were all done for the benefit of Bajor. He believes he should be respected as a benefactor to Bajor.

What happens to Gul Dukat on ds9?

As part of the ceremony to release the demonic beings, a sacrifice was required and so Winn killed Dukat by offering him a goblet of poisoned wine, believing that the Pah-wraiths would choose her to rule Bajor in a new age.

What rank is Gul?

Gul is a military rank held by the commander of a vessel or installation. The rank’s closest approximation is a Starfleet Captain. Each Cardassian Order is led by a Gul. A ship’s Gul will routinely take a cut of the profits from the cargo that his or her ship is transporting.

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Why did Dukat become Bajoran?

Dukat attempted to have the cult members commit suicide to conceal his attempt to kill Mika. When he was exposed, he fled again. Dukat masquerades as a Bajoran In late 2375, Dukat secretly underwent cosmetic surgery on Cardassia Prime to pose as a Bajoran farmer, Anjohl Tennan.

What is Dukats full name?

Dukat (Star Trek)

Gul Dukat
First appearance “Emissary” (1993)
Last appearance “What You Leave Behind” (1999)
Portrayed by Marc Alaimo
In-universe information

How did David Dukat get to DS9?

Arriving aboard DS9 as an unregistered passenger aboard a Kotakian ship, Dukat assisted Commander Benjamin Sisko in his investigation of the Maquis, so as to prove his innocence. He was briefly abducted by the Maquis, but he was rescued by Sisko.

What happened to General Dukat?

” Dukat, S.G. was a Cardassian military officer who served as Prefect of Bajor in the final years of the Bajoran Occupation. As the last person to hold the position, Dukat lost favor with Cardassian Central Command and fell into a downward spiral for several years.

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How did Dukat become prefect of Bajor?

By 2346, at the rank of gul, Dukat was made Prefect of Bajor. ( DS9: ” Wrongs Darker Than Death or Night “) In 2360, he was assigned command of Terok Nor, the mining station and command post in orbit of Bajor that was later known as Deep Space 9. ( DS9: ” The Maquis, Part I “) Dukat was the last Prefect of Bajor before the end of the Occupation.

What race is Dukat from Star Trek?

Dukat (Star Trek) Dukat is a fictional character from the television series Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. A member of the fictional Cardassian species, he is introduced as the former overseer of the series’ namesake space station but goes on to become the leader of his species’ governing body, the Cardassian Union.