Useful tips

Are Cardassians Nazis?

Are Cardassians Nazis?

Basically, yes. With the Bajorans, they basically were attempting genocide. The Bajoran rebels acted like the French Resistance during World War II.

Who are the Cardassians modeled after?

Michael Westmore based the Cardassian look on an abstract painting he had seen two years earlier of a wide-shouldered woman with what appeared to be a spoon in the center of her forehead. Beverly Crusher does not appear in this episode.

Is Cardassians a Bajoran?

Cardassians are the same species as Bajorans the same way the Pah-wraiths are the same species as the Prophets. Dukat had explained that the Pah-wraiths were removed from the celestial temple because they wanted to take a more active role in the events on Bajor.

What species are Cardassians?

The Cardassians were a humanoid species from the Alpha Quadrant. They were native to the planet Cardassia Prime, capital world of the Cardassian Union.

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Are there any Cardassians in Starfleet?

There are none of the indicated species members in starfleet because these races are not members of the United Federation of Planets. Member races can apply to be part of starfleet under the terms of the charter.

How many Cardassians are there?

The dominant species were the humanoid Cardassians. In 2378, the population was 7.9 billion. The Cardassians have been warp-capable since 1925.

What happened to the Cardassians?

Post-War crises and reconstruction efforts (2379-2385) In 2382, 472 Cardassians from the Bajor coalition’s war crimes list disappear from Cardassia Prime within four months. In the following year, Cardassia Prime is swept by a resurgence supporting religion and spirituality.

Are there Cardassians in TNG?

The Cardassians (/kɑːrˈdæsiənz/) are a fictional extraterrestrial species in the American science fiction franchise Star Trek. They were devised in 1991 for the series Star Trek: The Next Generation before being used in the subsequent series Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and Star Trek: Voyager.

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What do Cardassians look like?

Cardassians have grayish-white skin, rigid ridges on either side of the neck, and a spoon-shaped structure on the forehead. Westmore was inspired by an abstract painting he had seen in a Ventura Boulevard store of a wide-shouldered woman with what looked like a spoon on her forehead.