
What are Klingons and Romulans?

What are Klingons and Romulans?

The Klingon-Romulan Alliance was an alliance between the Klingon Empire and the Romulan Star Empire formed in the mid-23rd century. The alliance offered both sides a strategic advantage in their conflicts with the United Federation of Planets, and resulted in a technology exchange between the two powers. (

What is the difference between Cardassians and Romulans?

Cardassians are possessed by a powerful instinctual xenophobia and a desire for order above all else. The cultural response they have toward this is to be very insular toward outsiders, antagonistic when contact was forced, and fascistic toward themselves. Romulans are essentially Vulcans without the logic.

Why are Klingons different in Star Trek?

Discovery later suggested that the Klingons were only bald because they had shaved their heads for war and in Season 2 L’Rell (Mary Chieffo), and other Klingons grew their hair out. In Season 1, Ash Tyler was revealed to be a Klingon sleeper agent, surgically altered to look like a Human.

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Are Klingons and Romulans enemies?

Romulan-Klingon relations shifted between being “blood enemies” and titular “allies” in the 23rd and 24th centuries.

What are the differences between Romulans and Vulcans?

Physically, the Romulans were presented as humanoid, but the show’s make-up department gave them pointed ears to distinguish them from humans. In contrast to the Vulcans, who were presented as peaceful and logic-oriented, the Romulans were depicted as militaristic, having founded an interstellar empire.

Why do the Vulcans and Romulans hate each other?

Many members of the group had been declared enemies of the Romulan state because of their adherence to Vulcan philosophy; Spock’s goal was to both help them and also evaluate the greater potential of reunification, though he admits the possibility may be unlikely.

Why do the Romulans hate the Klingons?

The Romulans Began on Vulcan The Klingons, in particular, despised them, largely for the attack at Camp Khitomer that killed thousands of Klingons, including Lieutenant Commander Worf’s parents. If that’s a technology the Vulcans had at one time, it’s easy to imagine them developing lifelike androids.