Useful tips

Do people with BPD get enmeshed with their exes?

Do people with BPD get enmeshed with their exes?

So many people, on the other side of BPD – who do not have BPD – do certainly get enmeshed with a partner (on-again-off-again Ex then partner again) and because this is so painful and confusing an incredible amount of focus is put on the person with BPD. This means that loved ones begin in a myriad of ways to lose themselves often.

Why do people with BPD have difficult relationships?

This is especially true when it comes to BPD relationships because people with BPD are really looking for a sort of ‘father figure’ in a sense. This is due to their troubled upbringing and it’s not their fault. So you need to understand that who they are is simply due to factors out of their control when they were younger.

Do people with borderline personality disorder ever go to therapy?

People with BPD may go on to get therapy in the future but who you are going around in circles with is who you are involved with.

What to do when your BPD partner is always blaming you?

Even if your BPD partner has always blamed you for everything, don’t try to turn it around and throw blame back. So during this time of break up when your ex isn’t communicating with you, take this valuable time to relearn who you are. What are your goals for the next month? 3 months? 6 months? 12 months?

When is no contact used with a person with BPD?

There’s never a black and white answer, but it might help to know when no contact is used with a person with BPD. No contact is when the non-borderline partner ceases all forms of communication with the borderline partner. (I now will just use NB and BP, respectively).

Is it painful to break up with someone with BPD?

I know breakups are painful in general and breakups with someone who has Borderline Personality Disorder can be incredibly painful. Now, before moving on to anything else, you have to stop and really understand the nature of Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD).

Does My Ex have borderline personality disorder?

The answer was clear, that your ex must have borderline personality disorder. After all, her behaviors were being spelled out right in front of you on a borderline personality disorder website.

Was I wrong about my ex-girlfriend’s personality disorder?

Even though you may have been wrong about your ex having a personality disorder, you are not wrong about the damage you suffered from being in a relationship with her.

How do I recover from a relationship with a borderline personality disorder?

There are several components to recovery from a relationship with a woman who has traits of borderline personality disorder. You may first need to get a clear understanding of why women with traits of borderline personality disorder act the way they do.

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Why can’t I move on from my BPD spouse?

Individuals with BPD often fill an emotional void in their partner’s life. With their charm and undivided attention, you may have felt exceedingly happy when the relationship was going well. With the source of fulfillment gone, you may feel empty, which can make it more difficult to move on. You need to figure out why you feel that void.

Why are people in toxic relationships with people with BPD?

The why people are in these types of relationships, rescuing, enmeshed, enabling, codependent and toxic with people with BPD is because they have some issues (as all people do to one degree or another) that need to be faced, addressed, and resolved in order to unhook from what feels so compelling but really isn’t healthy for you.

Why doesn’t my BPD girlfriend ever apologize to me?

In order to avoid having to acknowledge any wrongdoing the woman with traits of BPD may tell herself: You are trying to make her feel guilty, and since you are trying to manipulate her, she doesn’t owe you an apology.

What keeps a woman with BPD from admitting to doing anything wrong?

The character trait that keeps a woman with traits of BPD from admitting to wrongdoing is actually an extreme sensitivity to the negative judgment of others. She feels so much humiliation at potential rejection that she enters a state of what might be labeled a form of light paranoia.

Why do so many people stay in BPD relationships?

The why of so many people staying caught up in the BPD maze is multi-layered. Each individual who is or has been in any form of relationship with someone with (especially untreated) BPD needs to ask themselves more about why they are where they are and why they stay. What are the obstacles to letting go? What is the fear?

Is your BPD partner always blaming you for everything?

As I teach in my Better BPD Relationships course, you and your partner need to take responsibility for the actions you two make. Throwing around blame and pointing fingers does you no good. Even if your BPD partner has always blamed you for everything, don’t try to turn it around and throw blame back.

Why do people with borderline personality disorder (BPD) lose themselves?

This means that loved ones begin in a myriad of ways to lose themselves often. This happens because they literally get addicted to the chaos and drama that has swept them up into the whirlwind chaotic and very intense and often codependent “relational world” of those with BPD. It is a painful way and place to live.

Is borderline personality disorder embarrassing you?

When you live with a health condition, oftentimes there are some unwanted — or “embarrassing” — symptoms you have to learn to live with. This is something many people who live with borderline personality disorder (BPD) are familiar with.

Do people with BPD live their lives without knowing they have BPD?

No one should have to live the way that people with BPD (whether they realize it or not) who have not sought treatment, won’t admit to or don’t know they have BPD, or who go to therapy but really never quite get to the work and commitment to the process of recovery required to change, become healthier and recover.