
Are INTPs good at hiding their emotions?

Are INTPs good at hiding their emotions?

For some personality types it does seem easier to receive hurt feelings, especially from those they love. INTPs have a tendency to hide their feelings, and focus more on facts and information. This isn’t because they don’t feel things as strong, it is just easier for them to focus on things which are more tangible.

Are INTP unemotional?

They Aren’t Emotionless INTP males can sometimes be seen as emotionless, which is entirely untrue. They often feel things very deeply, but those emotions are not easily seen by others. INTP males often have many walls up, but this is just a natural defense against the world around them.

Will INTP make the first move?

INTP males aren’t always the most forward types when it comes to romance, and will often wait for someone who is willing to make the first move (and pretty much every move after that). INTPs will often attempt to analyze a situation for a long time, in order to fully understand others intentions.

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Why do INTPs have a hard time with emotions?

Because they care they will often put forth this effort, but dealing with emotions can be draining for the INTP after a while, causing them to feel exhausted with social interaction and even a bit short-tempered because of it. They keep most things inside, and don’t really feel at ease with sharing.

What is the INTP personality type?

INTPs are also imaginative people who value being able to look at things from so many different angles. This causes them to want to make sense of everything, including feelings and emotions. This can be challenging for the INTP at times, since they cannot naturally do this.

Why do INTPs like to analyze everything?

They enjoy analyzing information and strive to really understand the world around them better. INTPs are also imaginative people who value being able to look at things from so many different angles. This causes them to want to make sense of everything, including feelings and emotions.

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What is the INTP’s inferior function?

Their inferior function is their Fe (extraverted feeling), which focuses on the emotions and feelings of those around them. It does make the INTP concerned with the feelings of their loved ones, but since it is their inferior function it presents itself in much different ways.