
What happens if I cancel a subscription on OnlyFans?

What happens if I cancel a subscription on OnlyFans?

Yes, if you delete an OnlyFans account, all your subscriptions will get canceled instantly. Any other data will also be removed from the platform.

Can you cancel an OnlyFans subscription at any time?

Need more help? If in any doubt, email: [email protected] and they can cancel your subscription for you.

Do OnlyFans free trials auto-renew?

No! Free trials on OnlyFans do not auto-renew. Many subscription services use free trials as a ploy to trap customers into monthly subscriptions.

How does OnlyFans free subscription work?

What is OnlyFans Free? Only fans free are for the fans of the creator. Basically, that account is created by the creator but is not open to the public, fans send them online requests, and they get access to the content without any extra charge or a fee.

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How do I cancel my subscription to OnlyFans?

Turn off the Auto-Renew switch. Alternatively, contact [email protected] and they can cancel your subscription for you. Note that you are not able to receive refunds for cancelled subscriptions. Email [email protected] and ask them to cancel your account.

How long does it take to get a refund from OnlyFans?

I’m still waiting for a response from Onlyfans support myself but will comment again with any updates. edit: It took 5 days for a support response, and it will take another 5 days to get my money back, but they’ve issued a refund. What if the content creator/model doesn’t send the content you paid for, can you get refunded than?

Why is my money pending on OnlyFans?

Onlyfans issued him with a refund on the fraudulent tips/ subscriptions and deleted his account. People also pay with phoney cards that are going to bounce. It can happen, thats why there is a 1 week pending period. Always withdraw money as soon as it hits your current balance.

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What payment options are available on OnlyFans?

From today we have implemented quicker direct bank transfers as well as international transfers and eWallet payment methods. Creators now have a range of payment options to choose from in the banking section of your OnlyFans account the next time you log in.