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Is support underrated?

Is support underrated?

On top of this, supports are also extremely underappreciated because even if they do play well and complete their main task, they still rarely get any recognition. A support could play a flawless game, but if they play so well that their ADC drops double digit kills, their ADC will most likely be the MVP of the game.

What Lane does support go in LoL?

Mid lane: 1 person goes to the mid lane. ADC: Goes to bottom lane. Support: Goes to bottom lane.

What is the most unpopular role in league?

Which role is the least impactful in professional play?

  • Top lane – 33.8\% – It’s the least impactful except for a few specific champions.
  • Bot, Support – Each 26.2\% – Support is to support; it would be less impactful.
  • Mid lane – 7.7\%
  • Jungle – 6.2\%
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Is support a good role LoL?

Although some people may disagree, support is a vital role if not one of the most important roles in the game. Support players control the flow of the game and a great deal of map control. Supporting may seem like sitting in a bottom brush daydreaming, but it is a lot more than that.

Is support the least played role in LOL?

Currently, the least played roll is jungle, and others have answered why jungle is the least played. I’ll take a different path and answer your question. Support *was* the least played roll before jungler took that crown.

What is the hardest position in League of Legends?

Jungle is the hardest role in terms of the knowledge and “LOL IQ” plays because you have to be aware of objectives and what’s occurring in all of the other lanes. You can’t have tunnel vision and play Jungle, where as if you play top and are completely focused on your lane, it’s probably fine.

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Which support is the most underrated in League of Legends this season?

Lulu is another underrated support in this season with a fairly low 5.9 percent pick rate when compared to her 0.52 percent ban rate. With a ban rate that is less than one percent your probably going to be able to pick her whenever you want, which is a pretty good thing as she has a win rate of 52.1 percent.

Who is the best support in League of Legends right now?

10 Best Supports In League Of Legends Right Now 10 Pyke. Pyke is a unique support champion, taking the secondary role as an assassin means he is automatically going to… 9 Bard. Bard is in many fans’ opinions, an underrated support champion in the current meta of League of Legends. 8 Soraka. Soraka

Who is the most banned support in League of Legends right now?

Senna is currently the most banned support champion in League of Legends and when you take a look into it it becomes easy to see why. She currently has a win rate of 53.01 percent and a ban rate of 4.26 percent. Similar to Pyke. Senna is an offensive support, so you will want to build her with plenty of damage items.

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Is base Bard a good support in Lol?

Bard is a support that does well in the landing phase but he should also be on the lookout for his chimes around the map so that he can further boost his abilities and utility. His combination of CC and heals in the laning phase as well as his ultimate make him a strong pick in the current meta.