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Would Renly have been the best king?

Would Renly have been the best king?

Renly may not have made a better King than Robert, for a king needs more than flexibility. He needs to understand the situation around him and make the best of it – something he isn’t good at – otherwise he would have marched straight to King’s Landing and taken the Iron Throne before going to Storm’s End.

Would Stannis have been the best king?

Despite the loss of his fingers, Davos considers Stannis a good man and a worthy King of Westeros. If Stannis could have inspired the same loyalty amongst the other Westerosi people then his reign would have been secured. After Joffrey, the people needed a monarch they could trust and have faith in.

Can Stannis beat Renly?

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They would not stand a chance against the armored Knights of Renly. Easily, so very easily. Stannis had laid siege on Storm’s End. When Renly would have attacked him, he would have been stuck between the castle on one side and Renly’s forces on another.

What if Renly declared for Stannis?

Meaning, if Renly drops his claim and sides with Stannis, they probably lose the Tyrells’ support, which is the larger part of their army.

Was Renly Baratheon good?

#1 Renly Baratheon Stannis proved Renly’s point many times over. Besides, Renly has all the makings of a great king. He’s charming, well-loved, intelligent, kind and yet still politically savvy enough to play the game of thrones. Had he not been murdered by his brother, he very well could have taken the Iron Throne.

How did Stannis lose his army?

They got ambushed by Ramsay’s men and some were killed that way. At the end when he faced Ramsay, he and his army were on foot whilst Ramsay had riders, spearmen and properly organized troops that managed to circle and flank Stannis thus destroying him.

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Is King tommen good?

Tommen is presented as the younger son and youngest child of King Robert Baratheon and Queen Cersei Lannister. Tommen is good-natured and passive in contrast to his brother Joffrey, who sometimes bullied Tommen for amusement. Like his sister, he is fond of his uncle Tyrion Lannister.