
Why do I get scared driving over bridges?

Why do I get scared driving over bridges?

Gephyrophobia is the anxiety disorder or specific phobia characterized by the fear of bridges and tunnels. As a result, sufferers of gephyrophobia may avoid routes that will take them over bridges, or if they are a passenger, will act very apprehensively when passing over a bridge.

Why do I get nervous driving on highways?

As an untreated person heads out onto the highway, that trapped sensation builds. People ruminate on this issue as they drive. As a result, the mind ends up in a panic or anxiety mode. Sweat starts to break out on the skin, the breathing becomes labored and the heart races.

What is the fear of driving on highways called?

Freeway phobia is really a manifestation of agoraphobia. Exposure therapy means just what it sounds like it means. With the help of a therapist, you gradually increase your time on the freeway, exposing yourself to your fears until they subside.

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What are the symptoms of gephyrophobia?

If they have to cross a bridge, the person with gephyrophobia may experience symptoms of anxiety, such as shortness of breath, tightly gripping the steering wheel, racing heartbeat, heart palpitations, and crying. Gephyrophobia may be an isolated phobia or part of a cluster of anxiety-related conditions.

How can I conquer my fear of bridges?

Fortunately, there are some treatments available that could help you overcome this fear.

  1. Symptoms and Causes. If you have a fear of driving over bridges, you likely develop a sudden heightening sense of anxiety when approach a bridge.
  2. Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy.
  3. Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy.

Is there a phobia of bridges?

Crossing that bridge when you come to it is terrifying when you have a fear of bridges. Known as gephyrophobia (pronounced jeff-i-ro-fo-bia), people with an intense fear of driving over a bridge — or for some, the mere thought or anticipation of it — brings on a panic attack.

Is it scary to drive on the highway?

Many people find that even if they are not afraid of driving on local roads, they are absolutely terrified to drive on highways, especially multiple lane highways. Yes, this can be pretty scary, especially if you are a new driver, but this is a fear that every driver must eventually overcome.

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How common is fear of driving?

In fact, it’s estimated that 12.5 percent of Americans will experience a specific phobia, like a driving phobia. While it might seem logical to link the fear of driving to a car accident, there are other reasons you may feel fear and anxiety when getting into a car.

Is driving on a highway scary?

How do I get confidence to drive a car?

How to be a more confident driver

  1. Practice, practice, practice.
  2. Know your route.
  3. Know where everything is in your car and how it works.
  4. Go out on your own.
  5. Force yourself to drive somewhere new.
  6. Don’t worry about other drivers.
  7. Stick to the speed limit.
  8. Sign on for advanced driving courses.

Is fear of bridges common?

Although less common than a fear of flying, bridge phobia is treatable in 6 to 9 months, suggests Ratner. She starts with office-based sessions to develop relaxation strategies that target the symptoms of panic, such as a slower breathing pattern and looking straight ahead.

Is it possible to overcome fear of crossing over bridges?

Fear of crossing over bridges (gephyrophobia) can be debilitating, but there are things one can do to cope and eventually move beyond this phobia. Gephyrophobia is experienced in different ways; for some, driving over high bridges and gorges is especially intimidating, whereas other people find walking over bridges especially scary.

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Do you have gephyrophobia of bridges?

Crossing a bridge may seem easy for some people, but for those affected by gephyrophobia, or a phobia of bridges, this fear can be very real. If you get scared driving over water or have a fear of bridges, read on for information about how to cope with gephyrophobia. What is gephyrophobia?

What is a phobia of bridges called?

Different phobias are given different names to make a diagnosis and find ways to treat that particular fear. Gephyrophobia is a fear of crossing bridges. There are a few things that contribute to a phobia of bridges. The person may be afraid of driving off the bridge or that a gust of wind will sweep them off.

Why do people jump off a bridge while driving?

If driving, their hands death-grip the steering wheel. They worry about losing control of the car and veering off the bridge, or of becoming so freaked out that they stop traffic with no shoulder of the road to pull into.