
Are East Asians and South Asians the same?

Are East Asians and South Asians the same?

The boundary between Asia and Europe has no official line, so the definition of “Asian” may include Central Asians, East Asians, Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders, Southeast Asians and South Asians, as well as West Asians — whom the Census counts as white Middle Easterners and may not self-identify as Asian.

What is the race of East Asia?

The major ethnic groups that form the core of East Asia are the Han, Korean, and Yamato. Other ethnic groups of East Asia include the Bai, Hui, Tibetans, Turkic, Manchus, Ryukyuan, Ainu, Zhuang, Mongols and other Mongolic peoples. The major East Asian language families are the Sinitic, Japonic, and Koreanic families.

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What race is South Indian?

the Dravidian race is connected with both the Indonesian and Australian… the Dravidian race, which it would be better to call South Indian, is prevalent among the peoples of Southern India speaking the Dravidian tongues, and also among the Kols and other people of India… The Veddhas…

What is the difference between East Asian and South Asian?

East Asians are people who are from China, Korea, Japan, Taiwan or Mongolia, whereas South Asians are from Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka or Maldives. But there are also Southeast Asians, which is where things can get confusing.

Where do Southeast Asian people come from?

People who are Southeast Asian come from countries that are south of China, but east of India. This includes eleven countries: Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Singapore, the Philippines, Laos, Indonesia, Brunei, Burma (Myanmar), Cambodia and Timor-Leste.

Why are Asians often lumped together in North America?

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Asians are often lumped together, despite coming from a variety of countries that have their own cultures, customs, languages and religions. In North America, when most people picture Asians, they automatically think of the fair-skinned, dark-haired look of East Asians without giving it a second thought.