Useful tips

What would you say to your childhood self?

What would you say to your childhood self?

Taking care of yourself: “Be kinder to yourself.” “Always know your worth.” “The world is bigger than you think it is and your worries aren’t as important as you think they are, just be you.” “Don’t worry if you look different, or feel you look different, from most other people.

How do you get your childhood back?

Easy Ways To Bring Back The Magic Of Childhood

  1. Have Fun With Your Food.
  2. Actually Enjoy Your Workout Routine.
  3. Be OK With “Messing Up”
  4. Make Time For Creativity.
  5. Go Ahead And Dig In The Dirt.
  6. Forget About Your To-Do List.
  7. Play A Game You Used To Love.
  8. Stop Stressing Out In The Shower.

What 3 words would you tell your younger self?

The Best Advice We’d Give Our Younger Selves — In 3 Words

  • 1) “Believe in yourself,” said Gary Tanner.
  • 2) “Trust your soul,” said Antona Brent Smith.
  • 3) “Look for joy,” said Jackie Lamothe.
  • 4) “Do your best,” said Edgar Martinez.
  • 5) “Study, exercise, save,” said Christiane S.
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How can I enjoy my childhood?

How To Make Childhood Last longer

  1. Simplify your life: your living room, children’s room, your kitchen, your whole house.
  2. Limit ‘digital time’.
  3. Don’t involve kids into too many activities.
  4. Get out of your routine once in a while.
  5. DON’T take too many pictures and videos.
  6. Have dates with your child.

What is a good child?

Being a good child typically means having qualities like compassion, understanding, self-discipline, and appreciation.

What would u tell your 18 year old self?

Own everything you do and everything you say to people. Be responsible for how you feel and how you make others feel. Spend time listening to what your body, mind and soul is craving. Really pay attention to yourself and become your own best friend.

What advice should I give to my younger self?

The best advice people can give their younger selves

  1. Make plans but write them in pencil.
  2. Read better books.
  3. Invest in friendships.
  4. Know when to leave.
  5. Forget about following your passion.
  6. Solve harder problems.
  7. Forgive first.
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What would you tell younger self?

Here are 25 things I wish I could tell my younger self:

  • One moment, one introduction, one lesson, one decision can completely change the course of your life.
  • Make new friends.
  • Go out of your way to help people achieve their dreams.
  • You don’t succeed by being like anyone else.
  • Trust your gut.
  • Book that flight.

How can I live a happy childhood?

Here are the ten steps:

  1. Get Happy Yourself.
  2. Teach Them To Build Relationships.
  3. Expect Effort, Not Perfection.
  4. Teach Optimism.
  5. Teach Emotional Intelligence.
  6. Form Happiness Habits.
  7. Teach Self-Discipline.
  8. More Playtime.

Why do we want to go back to childhood?

Sometimes we want to go back to our childhood because we miss someone a lot, we want to spend more time with our loved ones. We need to understand that we cannot change past but yes we can spend time with whom we are right now by being in the present moment.

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What are 52 things I Wish I Could Tell my younger self?

Here, in hopes that it might be helpful to you on your own journey, are 52 things I wish I could tell my younger self: 1. Life is good. Not always, but mostly. And when it is not so good, be assured it will get better. 2. It’s a good thing that we don’t know everything that’s going to happen to us.

Are You being flaky in relationships?

Being flaky doesn’t just impact your relationships, it impacts your self-esteem and anxiety levels. When you say you’re going to do something or be somewhere, follow through. This also ensures you think twice before committing to something that doesn’t actually inspire you.

How do you live a healthy lifestyle as you get older?

Keep exercise, eating well, and healthy living in balance. Schedule rest and recreation regularly. The older you get, the more you’ll understand why. 7. Accept yourself as God made you. I spent too many years fighting this battle and it took a long time to surrender, and by that time it carried extremely painful ramifications.