
What are some examples of discretion?

What are some examples of discretion?

Discretion is defined as the right of someone to make choices or the quality of someone who is careful about what they do or say. An example of discretion is the ability of a juror to determine a verdict. An example of discretion is not talking about politics at family dinners.

What is this word discretion?

2 : the quality of having or showing discernment or good judgment : the quality of being discreet : circumspection especially : cautious reserve in speech. 3 : ability to make responsible decisions.

How do you use the word discretion in a sentence?

Discretion sentence example

  1. The boss, at his/her discretion , may rotate the crew.
  2. It will be at the discretion of the moderators.
  3. In exceptional circumstances then this rule may be waived at the admin’s discretion .

How do you use at your discretion?

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: done if, how, when, etc., someone chooses to do it. You can cancel the service at your (own) discretion.

What do you mean by discretionary power?

the authority granted by the law to a head of state or government or other high official to act on his own discretion under certain conditions, for instance, in an emergency situation.

What would be some examples of officers using discretion in the performance of their duties?

Examples of Police Discretion Officer Bob pulls the car over and requests the driver’s license and registration. Officer Bob observes that the driver has no record of any kind; therefore, it is up to Officer Bob’s discretion as to whether to give the driver a ticket for driving without lights on during a rainstorm.

What is the importance of discretion?

Those in a position of power are most often able to exercise discretion as to how they will apply or exercise that power. The ability to make decisions which represent a responsible choice and for which an understanding of what is lawful, right or wise may be presupposed.

What is the difference between wisdom and discretion?

As nouns the difference between wisdom and discretion is that wisdom is (uncountable) an element of personal character that enables one to distinguish the wise from the unwise while discretion is the quality of being discreet or circumspect.

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Why do we have discretionary powers?

These powers are granted to these officials by statute or delegation. Discretionary powers do not impose an obligation on a decision-maker to exercise them or to exercise them in a particular manner. Discretionary power must be used reasonably, impartially and avoiding oppression or unnecessary injury.

Why is discretionary authority necessary?

Laws may lack clear, concrete details on how they should be enacted, so the federal bureaucracy has discretionary authority to make decisions on what actions to take—or not take—when implementing laws, as well as rulemaking authority to create regulations about how government programs should operate.

What are police discretionary powers?

That word is “discretion.” Police officers are given the right and opportunity to act according to their discretion in stopping people, arresting them and using force to bring about an arrest. Discretion means the power and ability to make decisions. This is somewhat vague, but so is the concept of police discretion.

Should you use power words in your writing?

If you’re writing an article or essay, you can use power words to hook readers. If you’re creating a marketing piece, you can use power words to increase conversions. Even in your personal life, using power words can make you seem strong or powerful.

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What are the most powerful power words for virality?

Research found curiosity to be one of the most powerful triggers for virality. Since we have a hard time resisting our curiosity, strategic use of power words makes it almost impossible for us not to click, share, and read. Power words that trigger curiosity include words such as “Reveals”, “Proves”, and “Ridiculous”.

What are some power words that trigger curiosity?

Since we have a hard time resisting our curiosity, strategic use of power words makes it almost impossible for us not to click, share, and read. Power words that trigger curiosity include words such as “Reveals”, “Proves”, and “Ridiculous”. [*] Take this BuzzFeed headline:

What are power words and persuasive words?

In contrast, power words tend to have strong meanings. They nudge people to take action—to download your report, to contact you for a quote, or to implement your advice. Three different types of power words exist: 6 super seductive words nudging people to take action—their persuasive power seems irrational, but is proven by science.