
What is the best major in China?

What is the best major in China?

Most Popular Majors in China

  • Clinical Medicine.
  • International Economics and Trade.
  • Computer Science and Technology.
  • Business Administration.
  • Chinese Language and Literature.
  • Civil Engineering.
  • Mechanical Engineering.
  • Architecture.

What are the most respected professions in China?

Jobs such as Doctors, Engineers, Accountants, Lawyers and such professional jobs if are generally considered prestigious jobs. Teaching jobs are not paid well but are somewhat respected.

What majors are in high demand?

Most In Demand Degrees

  1. Pharmacology. For a lucrative career helping people, pharmacology is at the top of the list for in demand degrees.
  2. Computer Science.
  3. Health Science.
  4. Information Technology.
  5. Engineering.
  6. Business Administration.
  7. Finance.
  8. Human Resources.
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Is it easy to get job in China?

The best way to find a job in China is by using personal contacts who work for a company in China that might need someone with your skills. If you aren’t blessed with such guanxi (connection), then the easiest way to find a job is via Internet. There are plenty of job sites available for China.

Which field is best in China?

Top 10 Careers in China for Foreigners

  • Teaching English.
  • IT Jobs.
  • Engineering / Specialized Technical Skills jobs.
  • Marketing/Creative Field jobs.
  • English Editor/ Writer/ Journalist.
  • Trading company sales manager.
  • Accounting and Financial jobs.
  • Hotel management jobs.

Where can I work if I study Chinese?

7 Dream Jobs Requiring Chinese Language Skills

  • Chinese Instructor.
  • English Instructor.
  • Subtitler or Transcriber.
  • Research Analyst.
  • Translator or Interpreter.
  • Global Marketing Specialist.
  • College Prep Consultant or Tutor.

What are the 3 most common jobs in China?

Top Ten Most Popular Professions for Your Job-Seeking in China

  • Electronic information. Known as the sunrise industry, electronic information is an emerging high-tech industry.
  • Biotechnology.
  • Automobile.
  • Modern medicine.
  • Logistics.
  • New materials.
  • Environmental energy.
  • Management.
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What are the most popular majors in China?

Statistics also show that clinical medicine, international economics and trade, computer science and technology, business administration, Chinese language and literature, civil engineering, mechanical engineering, architecture, communication engineering and Chinese training are the most popular majors that international students are interested in.

What are the top 10 jobs for foreigners in China?

The Top 10 Careers for Foreigners in China 1 Teaching. 2 Trade/Commerce. 3 IT/Tech. 4 Writing/Media. 5 Marketing. 6 Engineering. 7 Managerial Jobs. 8 Hotels and Tourism. 9 Restaurants/Bars (the Food 10 Art/Music/Performance.

Is computer science a good career in China?

Like other engineering jobs, computer science may seem like a crowded profession in China. However, because of differences between the Chinese and global internet, foreign IT specialists are frequently in demand in China’s tech centers like Beijing, Shenzhen, and Guangzhou.

What are the highest paying jobs in China for 2020?

Finance is an important aspect of every business. That’s why finance experts and CFOs usually enjoy highest remunerations in the industry. Due to this trend, there is a high demand for Advanced Financial Controllers in China, and this job is also included in the list of 10 highest paying jobs in China for the year 2020. 4.