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Should everyone in the world learn English?

Should everyone in the world learn English?

The best reason to learn English is because it is the most spoken language in the world. According to certain reports, 20 percent of the world population can either speak or communicate in English. Also, English is the official language of 53 countries.

Why does everyone use English?

The first, and most obvious reason that English became widespread in the first place is because of the British Empire. So English then became an elitist language of sorts, spoken by those who were educated in literature, philosophy and poetry, much like French was back when it was the most widely spoken language.

Is English really important?

English is the language of science, of aviation, computers, diplomacy, and tourism. It’s also the language of international communication, the media and the internet, so learning English is important for socialising and entertainment as well as work!

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Does everyone speak English the same way?

Everyone has one, whether you think you do or you don’t. Those who speak English as a second language have what many regard as “foreign” accents, but even native speakers have some sort of accent, however subtle. Today we’ll take a look at some of the reasons why people have different accents.

Why do you love English?

Communication. You should love English because this language is a gateway to all sorts of different cultures. Speaking English will allow you to read some of the most important historical documents, understand significant literature, and learn about the development within English speaking nations.

Why is it hard to understand British English?

The British tend to speak much more quickly than Americans which can result in problems, particularly in the US where ears are generally not attuned to British accents. Then there’s the problem with UK regional dialects – and there are many – some of which can be difficult to understand for fellow Britons, even.

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Why we must speak English?

English is the International Language and is one of the most popular and most spoken in the technology world.

  • We need to know English language in order to study any science subject or any computer language.
  • We need to know English to communicate effectively too many developed countries.
  • How can someone speak fluently English?

    7 tips on speaking English fluently and confidently Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Your goal is to deliver a message, not speak perfect English, with the right grammar and vocabulary. Practise, practise, practise. Practice makes perfect. Listen. The more you hear, the easier it will be for you to speak better English. Celebrate success. Every time you talk to someone in English is an achievement.

    Why is it important to learn English?

    Learning English is important because it is the most common language in the world. Almost 60\% people in the world use English regularly. Learning English is very important because it improves one’s chance of getting a good job, helps one communicate in foreign countries, and broadens one’s social networking.

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    Should English be official language?

    The English language shall be the official language of the United States. As the official language, the English language shall be used for all public acts including every order, resolution, vote, or election, and for all records and judicial proceedings of the Government of the United States and the governments of the several States.