
Who killed the Farmers Boys in Game of Thrones?

Who killed the Farmers Boys in Game of Thrones?

When Theon’s hostages escape, Ramsay murders two peasant boys and convinces Theon to present the corpses as those of Bran and Rickon Stark. As the Northerners move to take back Winterfell, Ramsay persuades Theon to let him ride to the Dreadfort to gather reinforcements.

Who were the two boys Theon killed?

Despite his attempts, Theon is unable to find the escapees. Unwilling to appear weak, he has Dagmer murder two boys, Jack and Billy, from a farm and burn their bodies.

Did Theon kill Bran and Rickon?

Game of Thrones: Why Theon Is So Adamant About Protecting Bran in the Battle of Winterfell. In doing this, Theon “kills” Bran and his brother, Rickon, before eventually being captured by Ramsay Bolton, who tortures and castrates him and subsequently holds him hostage under the name “Reek.”

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Did Theon kill the orphans?

First of all, Osha, Hodor, and the two little Starklings escape from Winterfell under the cover of night, then they evade capture. Oh, Theon kills a couple of kids and disfigures their bodies as a way to make Winterfell cower at his feet, but it’s pretty obvious to me that those aren’t the Stark kids.

Does Theon get revenge on Ramsay?

So Theon has somewhat gotten revenge for all the torture Ramsay put him through, by taking the Dreadfort.

What did Theon Greyjoy do to the Starks?

He defied the Stark name, spat on the very hands that fed him, put a bow and arrow in his hands and gave him the same freedoms as if he were a true born Stark. After Robb marched south to fight against the Lannisters, he sent Theon back to the Iron Islands in good faith that he would do what was asked of him.

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Why did Theon Greyjoy takes Winterfell?

The Fall of Winterfell was an event during the War of the Five Kings. To gain the respect of his fellow ironborn and his father, Theon Greyjoy turned on the Starks and seized the undefended castle.

Who did Theon betray?

Theon first betrayed Sansa’s brother Robb in season 2, seizing Winterfell under his father’s influence. He then spent parts of season 4, 5, and 6 under the name “Reek,” being tortured and brutalized by Ramsay Bolton.

What did Ramsay Bolton do to Theon?

After Winterfell is seized by Theon Greyjoy for the ironborn, Ramsay is dispatched by his father Roose Bolton to re-take it in the name of King Robb Stark. Ramsay’s forces besiege the castle and he infuriates Theon by blowing a horn all through the night.

Why did Ramsay Bolton let Theon go?

Ramsay wants to make theon that he is now(mentally and physically disordered) and he knows that he wont be able to do so just by torturing him and he wants to let him have some hope and further.