
Are We Born Against Our Will?

Are We Born Against Our Will?

We will not share your email address. In Perke Avot the great Sage said, ” Born against our will ,live against our will, die against our will. ” The operative word is will. On the one hand we have free will , but being born against our will tells us that there is a force behind our will, the force being The Ein Sof .

Is being born an obligation or a choice?

I’d agree that being born isn’t a choice the person who is born makes, and I don’t think anyone is indebted to anyone because their parents chose to bring them into the world. I’d say that if you bring someone into the world, you certainly have an obligation to them, but to what extent, and if you “owe” them anything, I’d have to think about.

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Did God fail in his plan?

You commented that if people go to hell then God failed in His plan. But, that assumes that God’s plan was to save everyone. In fact, if that was God’s plan, then He failed just allowing sin to enter the world to begin with; because, before sin everyone was going to heaven.

Is it up to God to decide who to create?

So it’s up to God; God is the one who chooses whom to create, whom to thrust into existence, and this is not unfair because this is a tremendous gift – the gift of existence, the gift of life.

Why did G‑d ask if we want to be created?

In other words, G‑d asked each and every one of us if we desire to be created, if we choose to accept the challenge of earthly life. Only then did He proceed to create us. If asking a soul whether it wants to be created sounds like a catch-22, this paradox in fact resolves a much deeper paradox—the paradox of divine decree and human choice.

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Did you ask G-D to place you in Your Life?

Before G‑d emanated your soul and breathed it into your body, you were asked if you should be. So in every situation in which you find yourself, in every challenge you face in your life—you are there because you chose to be placed in that life. The life we have is the life we want We go through life complaining, “I didn’t ask to be born…!”

Why did G‑d ask the Angels to create the human soul?

One is that G‑d asked the angels, so as to temper their later criticisms of the failings of mortal man. Another explanation is that G‑d was involving all elements of the universe, or all aspects of His infinitely potentialed being, in the formation of the multi-faceted soul of man.