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What happens when you hit your tooth really hard?

What happens when you hit your tooth really hard?

External oral trauma can be quite painful and most often strikes as a shock. While most oral injuries occur due to sports-related accidents, they may also happen due to a bad fall, taking a hard blow to the mouth, etc. A knocked off tooth can cause severe pain and also bleeding, and the patient may start to panic.

Can hitting your tooth make it sensitive?

When your tooth chips due to trauma the amount of sensitivity may depend on the depth of the chip. If the chip is within the enamel, the outermost layer of the tooth, you are unlikely to feel sensitivity to cold foods, but you may still be sensitive to touch due to the trauma experienced and may feel a sharp edge.

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How do you know if you hit a nerve in your tooth?

What Will I Feel If I Have A Damaged Tooth Nerve?

  1. A dull ache along the gum line.
  2. Pain that targets a single tooth or radiates throughout the mouth.
  3. Discomfort that worsens after eating, especially following meals that are hot, cold, or acidic.

What does it mean when your tooth turns pink?

Internal Tooth Resorption Types of injuries to the tooth can cause internal resorption; these include trauma, exposure to heat or chemicals, or bacterial invasion of the pulp. A reddish tinge to the tooth is the first sign of internal resorption.

Should I go to the dentist if I hit my tooth?

Immediate dental attention needed Time is of the essence in any tooth trauma – whether it’s bumped, knocked out or chipped – and it’s important to see a dentist or endodontist as soon as possible because quick action will increase the chances of saving the tooth, according to the American Association of Endodontists.

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How long can a tooth hurt after being hit?

This is temporary, and should go away on its own as long as you practice good oral hygiene. You should see your dentist for a follow-up if the pain lasts longer than three days.

What should you do if you hit your tooth?

What can I do to manage an acute dental trauma?

  1. Apply ice on your jaw or cheek for 15 to 20 minutes every hour or as directed.
  2. Do not use your damaged tooth.
  3. Eat soft foods or drink liquids for 1 week or as directed.
  4. Care for your mouth while you heal.
  5. Keep any soft tissue wounds clean.
  6. Ask about sports.

Will a bruised tooth heal?

A bruised tooth can resolve itself, but sometimes it may not heal and you may need a cosmetic treatment.

How do you know if your tooth root is damaged?

Pain when chewing or biting down. Discolouration on the gum around the infected tooth. Ongoing dull or severe pain in the roots or gums. Swelling in the gum around the affected tooth.

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How long does tooth trauma take to heal?

Immediate attendance at a dentist to receive local anaesthetic is therefore essential to allow this repositioning procedure. A splint is then required, and in this case the bone takes 4-6 weeks to heal and for reparative bone to form around the fractures. Antibiotics are best given to prevent any post-trauma infection.

How long does it take for teeth to discolor after trauma?

If your traumatized tooth has been discolored but is still alive, it will likely return to its normal color in time, typically four to 10 weeks after the injury, though it could take as much as six months. If your tooth doesn’t return to its natural color, we can use vital tooth bleaching to restore it.

How long does it take for a tooth to turn black after trauma?

Usually this happens two to three weeks after an accident. It’s usually a gray or purple like colour. Whether it turns dark or not doesn’t always depend on the severity of the injury.
