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What did Einstein say about the fabric of space?

What did Einstein say about the fabric of space?

Instead of a pull, Einstein saw gravity as the result of curved space. He said that all objects in the universe sit in a smooth, four-dimensional fabric called space-time. Massive objects such as the sun warp the space-time around them, and so Earth’s orbit is simply the result of our planet following this curvature.

What is the fabric of space made out of?

The “fabric of space” is not made 0f anything- it is just space itself. No, space did not exist before the big bang, yes, it was created, along with everything else.

Is 4th Dimension time?

Physics > Space and Time According to Einstein , you need to describe where you are not only in three-dimensional space* — length, width and height — but also in time . Time is the fourth dimension.

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Why does spacetime curvature cause gravity?

The curvature of spacetime (not just space) is responsible for gravity. Literally, near heavy objects, the “future direction” points slightly down. So anything that moves forward in time will find its trajectory pointing down slightly. This takes the form of downward acceleration.

Does spacetime have energy?

The differential form says, loosely speaking, that no energy is created in any infinitesimal piece of spacetime. In GR, the curvature of spacetime is “felt” by us as gravity. Now, even in newtonian physics, you must include gravitational potential energy to get energy conservation.

Does the fabric of space have mass?

Mass is not a property of space (or space-time itself), but of physical objects in classical physics.

Is space just a fabric?

The idea that mass-and-energy curves space can be right, even though this naive visualization must be wrong. The idea that space is a fabric has its limitations. It is quite clear that a large mass cannot pull this fabric ‘down’ and cause the other objects within it to move along a curved path.

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What is spacetime according to Einstein?

Einsteinian picture, spacetime is a single, unified structure where the three dimensions of space and the one dimension of time are inextricably linked. Gravity might have been the first fundamental force ever discovered, but in many ways, it remains the least-well understood.

Why is the fabric of space curved?

It appears to depict the fabric of space as being curved by the presence of mass, and therefore, any other particle traveling along this fabric will have its path bent towards this gravitational source. The larger the mass and the closer you get to it, the larger the curvature, and therefore, the larger the bending.

Can spacespacetime be curved?

Spacetime may obey geometric equations and be curved, but not like this. Instead, we can do better by going to the correct number of spatial dimensions: three.