
Is the fabric of spacetime flat?

Is the fabric of spacetime flat?

The biggest lesson from Einstein’s general theory of relativity is that space itself isn’t a flat, unchanging, absolute entity. Rather it’s woven together, along with time, into a single fabric: spacetime. This fabric is continuous, smooth, and gets curved and deformed by the presence of matter and energy.

What is the fabric of space-time?

Space-time can be thought of as a ‘fabric’ in which the objects of the Universe are embedded. Those objects – stars, planets, black holes – make space-time curve in upon itself, just as an elastic fabric holding a ball would do. The more massive the object, the deeper the curve – the same as in a fabric!

What happens if you rip space-time?

In the last minutes, stars and planets would be torn apart, and the now-dispersed atoms would be destroyed about 10−19 seconds before the end. At the time the Big Rip occurs, even spacetime itself would be ripped apart and the scale factor would be infinity.

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Is spacetime flat like a piece of cloth?

Spacetime isn’t flat like a piece of cloth. When people say “the fabric of spacetime,” they have a different definition of “fabric” in mind. They mean this definition: “structural plan or style of construction.” (Webster’s). Currently, many physicists are thinking of spacetime like a loaf of bread.

Is the space-time fabric like a real world fabric?

The “Space-Time Fabric” is NOT like a real world fabric. According to the General Theory of Relativity Space-Time is a four-dimensional entity and gravity is nothing but the curvature or warping of our 3-D Space. Now as it is impossible for us to imagine and understand curving of 3-D space,…

What is spacetime according to Einstein?

Einsteinian picture, spacetime is a single, unified structure where the three dimensions of space and the one dimension of time are inextricably linked. Gravity might have been the first fundamental force ever discovered, but in many ways, it remains the least-well understood.

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How does spacetime affect objects outside of spacetime?

So, to more explicitly answer your question, spacetime is all around – there is nothing outside of spacetime, and there is merely the objects within it. These bend and twist spacetime, therefore affecting other objects. Hope this helps; I’d be glad to clarify further if necessary.