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What kind of role is Cherubino?

What kind of role is Cherubino?

— The teenage boy Cherubino is a trouser role, meaning that it was written for a woman who would be dressed as a man. This was common practice in opera at the time.

Why does Cherubino sing Voi che Sapete?

“Voi, che sapete” is sung by Cherubino, an aristocratic page to Count Almaviva, in whose palace the drama takes place. Knowing his adolescent infatuation with all women, Susanna encourages him to sing a love song he has written (a veiled confession of his love for the Countess), while she accompanies him on the guitar.

Why are there pants roles in opera?

The nature of the trouser role was about to take a turn. By the middle of the 19th century, realism had prevailed. At last the tenor voice had come of age, and in its new-found power, it offered to opera the possibility of a more masculine hero. The heyday of the effeminate hero had passed.

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Who is Cherubino?

Cherubino, a young page, enters, seeking advice from Susanna. Count Almaviva caught him alone with the gardener’s daughter, Barbarina, and he is now to be sent away. He is besotted by all women, he explains, and cannot help himself.

Why is Orfeo played by a woman?

Although originally debuted with a male castrato, Orpheus has become a role that is often played by a woman, due to some interesting historical developments. ‘Concert pitch’ was uncoordinated across Europe prior to the 19th Century, with cities across Europe varying up to 5 semitones (in current tunings).

Who is Marcellina in The Marriage of Figaro?

Bartolo appears with his former housekeeper, Marcellina, who is equally determined to marry Figaro. She has a contract: Figaro must marry her or repay the money he borrowed from her. When Marcellina runs into Susanna, the two rivals exchange insults.

Why was Voi che Sapete written?

Voi Che Sapete is a song written by the overtly erotic adolescent Cherubino (usually played by woman out of necessity for a soprano). In order to distract Cherubino from his life threatening decisions, Susanna puts him on the spot to sing that song for the Countess, for who he has the most sexual feelings for.

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What is happening during Voi che Sapete?

The dramatic tension comes out of the fact that Cherubino is singing for the Countess, on whom he has a hopeless, teenage crush. “Voi che sapete” is about puberty, becoming girl-crazy, and involuntary bodily functions that are fun but also difficult to hide.

Who was one of the most well known breeches role performing actresses?

During the century several actresses renowned for their breeches roles, including Peg Woffington, Frances Abington and Dorothy Jordan, attracted large audiences for their famous comedy performances.

What type of opera is The Marriage of Figaro?

opera buffa
492, is an opera buffa (comic opera) in four acts composed in 1786 by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, with an Italian libretto written by Lorenzo Da Ponte.

What does Cherubino give Susanna?

Cherubino will dress up as Susanna. Then the Count will be lured to a meeting with this phony Susanna by a letter actually written by Figaro, and the Count’s duplicity will be exposed. As the two women are dressing Cherubino for his role, Susanna leaves to find a ribbon.

Who created Le Nozze di Figaro?

composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
The Marriage of Figaro, Italian Le nozze di Figaro, comic opera in four acts by Austrian composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (Italian libretto by Lorenzo Da Ponte), which premiered in Vienna at the Burgtheater on May 1, 1786.

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Who wrote the libretto for The Marriage of Figaro?

“The Marriage of Figaro,” also known as “Le nozze di Figaro” in Italian, is a comic opera (opera buffa) crafted by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. He composed this opera comprising four acts in 1786, while Lorenzo Da Ponte wrote the Italian libretto.

How many acts are in Le nozze di Figaro?

He composed this opera comprising four acts in 1786, while Lorenzo Da Ponte wrote the Italian libretto. The premiere of “Le nozze di Figaro” was held premiered on the 1st of May 1786, at the Burgtheater in Vienna, Austria.

What is the role of Cherubino in Romeo and Juliet?

Cherubino’s role is one en travesti, or in disguise: the role is sung by a woman who is understood to be a male. This character, portrayed as an adolescent boy, rages with sexual love for the Countess and many women in the Almaviva castle. He represents perhaps the most notable of all travesti roles.

What does Susanna reveal about Figaro to Bartolo?

The ensuing discussion reveals that Figaro is Rafaello, the long-lost illegitimate son of Bartolo and Marcellina. A touching scene of reconciliation occurs. During the celebrations, Susanna enters with a payment to release Figaro from his debt to Marcellina. Seeing Figaro and Marcellina in celebration together,…