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Why does Silicon need to be doped?

Why does Silicon need to be doped?

By doping pure silicon with Group V elements such as phosphorus, extra valence electrons are added that become unbonded from individual atoms and allow the compound to be an electrically conductive n-type semiconductor.

Can Silicon be doped?

Two of the most important materials silicon can be doped with, are boron (3 valence electrons = 3-valent) and phosphorus (5 valence electrons = 5-valent). Elements with 3 valence electrons are used for p-type doping, 5-valued elements for n-doping.

What happens when silicon is doped with germanium?

Silicon-germanium (SiGe) is a IV-IV compound semiconductor which offers enhanced carrier mobility and a higher dopant solubility compared to pure silicon. For instance, the band gap decreases from 1.12eV (pure silicon) to 0.66eV (pure germanium) at room temperature.

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What does adding arsenic impurities do to silicon?

On addition of Arsenic to pure Silicon, the crystal becomes an N-type material. Arsenic atom has additional electrons or negative charges that do not take part in the process of covalent bonding. These impurities give up or donate, one electron to the crystal and they are referred to as donor impurities.

What is the effect of doping on the conductivity of silicon?

By doping pure silicon with Group V elements such as phosphorus, extra valence electrons are added that become unbonded from individual atoms and allow the compound to be an electrically conductive n-type semiconductor. Doping with Group III elements, which are missing the fourth valence electron,…

Does doping of silicon with impurities change the crystal structure?

In some atoms, electrons have five electrons in their valence band such as arsenic (As) and antimony (Sb). Doping of silicon with either impurity must not change the crystal structure or the bonding process. The extra electron of impurity atom does not take part in a covalent bonding.

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What happens when you doping a silicon semiconductor with boron?

Doping a Silicon Crystal with the p-Type Dopant BoronDoping a pure silicon semiconductor with the group III dopant boron results in a deficit of conductive electrons and creates a positive hole.

What is doping in semiconductor technology?

Semiconductor Technology from A to Z 1 Doping. Doping means the introduction of impurities into a semiconductor crystal to the defined modification of conductivity. 2 n-doping. The 5-valent dopant has an outer electron more than the silicon atoms. 3 p-doping. 4 Electronic band structure in doped semiconductors.