
What are thermobaric explosives?

What are thermobaric explosives?

A thermobaric weapon, aerosol bomb, or vacuum bomb is a type of explosive that uses oxygen from the surrounding air to generate a high-temperature explosion. In practice, the blast wave typically produced by such a weapon is of a significantly longer duration than that produced by a conventional condensed explosive.

Is a Moab a nuke?

The GBU-43/B Massive Ordnance Air Blast (MOAB /ˈmoʊæb/, colloquially known as the “Mother of All Bombs”) is a large-yield bomb, developed for the United States military by Albert L….GBU-43/B MOAB.

GBU-43/B Massive Ordnance Air Blast (MOAB)
Used by United States Air Force
Wars War in Afghanistan (2001–2021)
Production history

Has Moab ever been used?

On 13 April 2017, a MOAB was dropped on an ISIS-Khorasan cave complex in Achin District, Nangarhar Province, Afghanistan. It was the first operational use of the bomb. Bush administration, said that the US had not previously used the MOAB because of worries that it would inadvertently hurt or kill civilians.

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What is the most powerful non nuclear weapon?

Father of All Bombs
An ammonium nitrate deposit exploded in Toulouse killing 31 and injuring 2,500. The Russian bomb nicknamed the “Father of All Bombs” (FOAB) is reportedly the most powerful non-nuclear weapon in the world. An explosion of ammonium sulphate and nitrate fertiliser at the Oppau plant in Germany killed 565 people.

Does India have Moab?

India does not have either an MOAB or FOAB that can be used against terror groups that pose security threat to the country. India has the Smart Precise Impact and Cost Effective – simply called SPICE – bomb. SPICE is the biggest conventional bomb that Indian Air Force has under its command for use.

Can a nuke explode in space?

If a nuclear weapon is exploded in a vacuum-i. e., in space-the complexion of weapon effects changes drastically: First, in the absence of an atmosphere, blast disappears completely. There is no longer any air for the blast wave to heat and much higher frequency radiation is emitted from the weapon itself.