
What happened to 7 of 9 and chakotay?

What happened to 7 of 9 and chakotay?

By the time of the series finale, “Endgame”, The Doctor had managed to remove the implant, allowing Seven to pursue a relationship with Chakotay. The alternative future seen at the start of the episode showed that Seven and Chakotay were eventually married, but she died while Voyager was still travelling home.

Did Data become human?

Data is portrayed by actor Brent Spiner. Data was found by Starfleet in 2338. He was the sole survivor on Omicron Theta in the rubble of a colony left after an attack from the Crystalline Entity….Data (Star Trek)

Posting USS Enterprise-E (FCT, INS, NEM) USS Enterprise-D (Seasons 1-7, GEN)

Why does Data become human?

(In universe) Data wants to be human because he is programmed to. Dr. Noonian Soong (Data’s creator), did not want to create the perfect robot, he wanted to create the perfect android, a perfect simulacrum of a human being.

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What happens to Data in Star Trek?

At the end of the movie, Data sacrifices his own life to save Picard’s, destroying Shinzon’s ship in the process. Before he died, Data downloaded his memories into a prototype Soong-type android, B-4.

Did data sleep with Tasha Yar?

When this episode was made, Roddenberry seized on the opportunity to fulfill his wish, and had Data have sex with Tasha Yar. This takes place in 2364.

Does data sleep Star Trek?

Data does actually sleep. Not slumber in human terms, but he shuts down at regular intervals. Once he discovered a “dream program” built into his positronic brain by Noonian Soong, he began habitually entering this “sleep cycle” so he could explore his simulated subconcious.

Did Data have a girlfriend?

Data was in two relationships. One with Tasha Yar. He was “intimate” with her in the episode The Naked Now while the crew was under the influence of an illness that caused them to loose their inhibitions and behave as if they were intoxicated.

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Can Data fall in love?

Despite being an android, Data desperately wants to be close with his brothers. It’s a unique facet of humanity that he still can connect with. That never made Lore a good person but Data’s endless love for him only makes him more human.