
Can there be a false fact?

Can there be a false fact?

For factual statements are just the true or false answers we give, or could give, to questions of fact, or to possible questions of fact. But a statement of fact cannot be false. But a statement of fact is a true factual statement.

Does a statement have to be true to be a fact?

A fact is something that is true. The usual test for a statement of fact is verifiability—that is whether it can be demonstrated to correspond to experience.

What does false fact mean?

It simply means a fact that is not true — a meaning that requires fact to refer to a proposition that might or might not be true. english defense would be valid if false fact meant the same thing as fake fact.

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Is false speech protected?

Because the First Amendment is designed to further the pursuit of truth, it may not protect individuals who engage in slander or libel, especially those who display actual malice by knowingly publishing false information or publishing information “with reckless disregard for the truth.”

Can facts change in history?

Over time, even facts we consider steadfast truths can change. People used to think doctors could forgo washing their hands before surgery. Knowledge is ever-evolving.

What type of speech is not protected?

Categories of speech that are given lesser or no protection by the First Amendment (and therefore may be restricted) include obscenity, fraud, child pornography, speech integral to illegal conduct, speech that incites imminent lawless action, speech that violates intellectual property law, true threats, and commercial …

Is defamation allowed in political speech?

While defamation is one of the few categories of unprotected speech, the Supreme Court has set very high standards for imposing defamation liability in the context of political speech. Given these circumstances, courts are very unlikely to punish the media outlets for publishing the statements targeted by the lawsuits.

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What does it mean to identify contradictions?

Def.: To be logically committed to the assertion of some statement, S, and its denial, not-S, at the same time. ID.: Identify the statement that being both asserted and denied. To see how to identify contradictions properly, consider the following conversational example.

What are the words that contradict each other?

A phrase or expression in which the component words contradict one another, often unintentionally, or are claimed to do so when seen from a particular point of view. contradictio in terminis. contradiction. oxymoron. incongruity. inconsistency. dichotomy. anomaly. paradox.

Can a fact be wrong if it is presented as fact?

Consider though, if somebody presents a piece of information as fact, believing it to be so, but then are proven incorrect. Then what they thought a fact would be incorrect. Still, I wouldn’t say that the claim was an ‘incorrect fact’ because once the opposing evidence is given, the information ceases to be a fact.

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What is the difference between “contradiction in terms” and an oxymoron?

01. Oxymoron is one of the Figures of speech whereas “contradiction in terms” is not so. 02. An oxymoron a figure of speech in which apparently contradictory terms appear in conjunction but “Contradiction in terms” is a statement or group of words associating incompatible objects or ideas.