
How are logic gates made from transistors?

How are logic gates made from transistors?

The use of transistors for the construction of logic gates depends upon their utility as fast switches. When the base-emitter diode is turned on enough to be driven into saturation, the collector voltage with respect to the emitter may be near zero and can be used to construct gates for the TTL logic family.

How do you make a logic circuit?

The following is a systematic procedure to design a logic circuit:

  1. Deduct the truth table from the human-readable specification.
  2. Transfer the truth table into a Karnaugh map in order to simplify the function (if possible).
  3. Deduct the circuit and draw the gate diagram (and the wired-circuit if required).
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How many transistors are in a logic gate?

A two input AND gate has a minimum of 6 transistors. If you are a computer architect then you’d have to deal with some thousands or millions of logic gates which further translates to millions/billions of transistors.

How are gate transistors counted?

A NOT gate is 1 transistor. A NAND gate is 1 transistor per input. A NOR gate is 1 transistor per input. An AND gate is basically a NAND gate + a NOT gate, so it takes 1 transistor more than a NAND gate.

How does transistor transistor logic work?

Transistor-transistor logic (TTL) is a class of integrated circuits which maintain logic states and achieve switching with the help of bipolar transistors. One of the prominent features of transistor-transistor logic signals is the ability of the inputs of the gate rise to the logical “1” if left unconnected.

How many transistors are there in NAND gate?

A NAND gate is 1 transistor per input. A NOR gate is 1 transistor per input. An AND gate is basically a NAND gate + a NOT gate, so it takes 1 transistor more than a NAND gate.

How many transistors are needed to create a NAND gate?

two transistors
A two-input NAND gate produces a LOW output if both of its inputs are HIGH. It’s easy enough to create a NAND gate by using just two transistors.

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How does diode transistor logic works?

A diode-transistor logic circuit uses its diodes to perform logic functions and a transistor to perform amplification functions. An AND gate, for example, can have two inputs, numbered one and two, and one output. When a signal is high on both input one and input two, the gate will send a high signal from its output.

What is diode transistor logic gate?

Diode–transistor logic (DTL) is a class of digital circuits that is the direct ancestor of transistor–transistor logic. It is called so because the logic gating function (e.g., AND) is performed by a diode network and the amplifying function is performed by a transistor (in contrast with RTL and TTL).

What are the building blocks of sequential logic circuits?

As standard logic gates are the building blocks of combinational circuits, bistable latches and flip-flops are the basic building blocks of sequential logic circuits.

What is the logic level of output Q in a NAND gate?

Output Q is also fed back to input “A” and so both inputs to NAND gate X are at logic level “1”, and therefore its output Q must be at logic level “0”. Again NAND gate principals. If the reset input R changes state, and goes HIGH to logic “1” with S remaining HIGH also at logic level “1”, NAND gate Y inputs are now R = “1” and B = “0”.

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How do Sequential Circuits maintain their current state?

To retain their current state, sequential circuits rely on feedback and this occurs when a fraction of the output is fed back to the input and this is demonstrated as: The two inverters or NOT gates are connected in series with the output at Q fed back to the input.

What happens when the reset input of a NAND gate changes state?

If the reset input R changes state, and goes HIGH to logic “1” with S remaining HIGH also at logic level “1”, NAND gate Y inputs are now R = “1” and B = “0”. Since one of its inputs is still at logic level “0” the output at Q still remains HIGH at logic level “1” and there is no change of state.